This was the age when Laura had her first kiss
This individual was born in New York on September 17, 1954.
Laura Junco
"I'm not touching you"
Lenny Hungerford
This adult beverage is made of 4 ingredients: hops, malt, yeast, water.
In this decade the greatest and most wonderful thing to ever happen, happened to Laura.
This was Laura's first job
Trade Magazine Publisher
Name all of the birthday girl's siblings (bio or not).
Kevin, Richard, Marian
Crossed the swamp for a nickel
Amanda Junco
This adult beverage is made with tomato juice and vodka at the most basic level. But can be made in many ways.
Bloody Mary
The Brat-Pack was in, Laura and Glen had just become a thing, and neon ruled.
This was Laura's first car
A red T-Bird
Name the birthday girl's first boyfriend.
Jeff Ramano
"There aren't any camels in Egypt"
Lois Hungerford
This tropical drink is made of blue curacao, pineapple juice, and coconut rum.
Blue Hawaiian
Elvis was king, hula hoops were the "it" toy, and teenagers were headed to the drive in movies.
This was the location of Laura's first cruise
This is the birthday girl's most talked about job
J.P. Morgan
This person fell of the back of a tricycle AND an electric scooter
Lois Hungerford
This shot is made of equal parts vodka, triple sec, and lime juice.
This was Laura's first real friend after moving to Florida
Lois Hungerford
This is the birthday girl's favorite Christmas song
A Christmas Song
"I've got an ice cream maker"
The Soles
This drink is garnished with an orange peel and/or a maraschino cherry. It is typically made with bourbon or whiskey, simple syrup, and bitters.
An Old Fashioned
In this decade the it toys were, Etch A Sketch, Chatty Cathy, and Ken doll had just entered the scene.