St. Mark's Cedar Grove
Where was St. Anna Simone born?
Rome, Italy
Who was Pope Kyrillos’s best friend?
St. Mina
Who appeared to St. Rebekah + her children during prayer to tell them they would be martyred?
An angel of the Lord
What body part did St. Simon the Tanner cut off?
right eye
Where did St. Mark start christianity?
Alexandria, Egypt
What are the 2 names that St. Anna Simone is also known by?
the humble queen and the queen of the beasts
What was St. Mina’s profession?
St. Rebekah is known as the ___________?
What mountain was moved by the Coptic people’s prayers?
Mokattam Mountain
What animal is in the icon with St. Mark?
What animal can you see in the icon of St. Anna Simone?
Who martyred St. Mina?
When do we celebrate the feast of St. Rebekah and her 5 children?
7 Tout (September 4)
Who was the pope during St. Simon the Tanner’s time?
St. Pope Abraham
Who did St. Mark meet along the way?
What was the nickname the other nuns had given to St. Anna Simone?
Where in the desert did Pope Kyrillos live?
Abandoned windmill
What is the name of the church St. Rebekah and her 5 children's relics are found today?
El-Sitt Refkah (Our Lady Rebekah)
What three objects did St. Simon the Tanner tell the people to carry while praying the liturgy?
bibles, crosses and candles
Finish this Psalm: Have mercy upon me O God...
according to your great mercy and according to the multitude of your compassion...
God revealed to a bishop in a dream that St. Anna Simone was really a saint and that she was only pretending to be crazy out of humility. What was the name of the bishop?
Anba Daniel
What year was Father Mina ordained as Pope Kyrillos?
What are the names of St. Rebekah’s 5 children, and who was the eldest?
Agathon, Peter, John, Amun, Amuna; Agathon was the eldest
Where were the relics of St. Simon the Tanner discovered?
St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox church in Babylon, Old Cairo (known as the Hanging Church)