
Which Angel told St Mary she was to give birth to Jesus?



Which year did V. Mary appear in Cairo Zeitun?



Which country has the oldest flag in the world?

Denmark has the oldest flag in the world!


What was the name of the parents of V. Mary 

Joachim and Hanna


Who believes V. Mary was born without sin?

What do we Orthodox believe?


All Orthodox Churches believe that St. Mary was born like everyone else with the original sin and inherited the corrupt nature of man that resulted from Adam's sin. She is the perfect person, the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and our Lord entrusted her with Him. The Catholics believe in the 'Immaculate Conception' claiming that St. Mary was born sinless. This is against the teachings of the Holy Bible; for St. Mary herself said "And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior" (Lk 1:47). If she was born without sin why would she need salvation!


Why is purple very rarely used in flags?

Not only does purple feature very rarely on flags today, it was never used to represent a Kingdom or country before the 20th Century. But, there's a very simple explanation why; purple was once the most expensive colour to produce. In fact, until the 1800s, purple dye was worth more than its weight in gold.


How old was V. Mary when she entered the temple?

How long did she live in the temple?

3 years old when she entered the temple and lived 12 years in the temple


Is it correct to say St. Mary the Mother of God? or should we say Mother of Jesus only?

Yes V. Mary is the mother of God 

It is a heresy to not refer to St. Mary as the Mother of God, Theotokos (Birth Giver of God). In deductive logic, we say if A=B, and B=C, therefore A=C. If St. Mary=Mother of Christ, and Christ=God, therefore, St. Mary=Mother of God.

The Nestorian Heresy was debated and resolved in the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD, under the leadership of St. Cyril the Pillar of Faith. As a result, the Introduction to the Orthodox (Nicene) Creed was added.


Which flag does not have 4 sides?

Nepal is the only flag in the world that doesn't have 4 sides. ...


Virgin Mary is called the Theotokos, what does that mean?

Greek word meaning “Mother of God.”


 It says that Jesus had 4 brothers: James, Joseph (Joses), Judas (Jude) and Simon. Did V. Mary have other children after Jesus?

When we say St. Mary remained a virgin throughout her life, it also means she had no other children because she remained a virgin. James, Joses, Jude, and Simon were close relatives. It was and still is customary in these regions to refer to close relatives as brothers.


Only 2 flags are square which ones?

The Vatican and Switzerland


The feast of V. Mary is on the 22nd of August what do we celebrate?

Her assumption.


We know that St. Mary died and her spirit went to Paradise. After that the Lord Jesus Christ came and took her body. Where is her body now? Did her spirit return back to her body so the body can be alive?


St. Mary as a human being did die in the body; but her body was taken to  Heaven.

History records that when St. Mary was sixty years old, and on the twentieth of Tobi, she was gathered with the Disciples and the Virgins of the Mount of Olives and the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to them and greeted them. The Lord Jesus Christ told them that he would return back the next day and receive His mother's soul. On the 21st of Tobi, the Lord returned in the chariot of the Cherubim, accompanied with thousands of angels and David the singer. Those assembled wept along with St. Mary, but the Lord consoled and blessed them. St. Mary turned to the east and prayed.Then lay down, still facing eastward. The virgins sat by her and the Lord Jesus Christ sat by her. David the Singer rejoiced and said, "Right dear in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." At the ninth hour the Lord received her soul and they were fastened thereto. He bade the Apostles to take up the body and carry her to a new tomb in the field of Jehoshaphat.

Regarding her assumption, it is said, "...It was impossible that the vessel which had received God, the temple of the Only Begotten Son, should be left on earth...."

The Lord did not permit that the body in which He Himself had dwelt and from which He had formed His own Humanity become prey to corruption and dissolution.

At the dawn on the 16th of Mesra there was great thundering and a choir of angels was heard. The Lord Jesus came on the Cherubim. He asked the body to accompany Him and took her in the chariot. We believe that her body is in Paradise now. But her spirit has not returned to her body yet. This will happen on the Last Day when all the dead will be raised.


What does the red circle represent in the Japanese flag and why?

 Japan is known as the “Land of The Rising Sun”, and therefore has a circle in the middle of their flag representing the sun.