Iowa Quality Preschool Porgram Standards
Best Practices

Support the implementation of early learning experiences by promoting the use of research-based practices. The criteria combine content from the core areas of early childhood development and learning, cross-cutting curriculum, instruction, and assessment that occurs in early childhood classrooms and settings.

What are the Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards?


Early Childhood Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling

What does EC LETRS stand for?


The process of understanding each activity in your day.

What is routines to the 3rd level?


An approach used by early childhood educators to support the learning and development of young children.

What is Developmentally Appropriate Practices?


20 children

What is the max number of students in a 4 year old SWVPP?


Teaching staff never use threats or derogatory remarks and neither with-hold nor threaten to withhold food as a form of discipline.

What is Criterion 1.3?


Oral language, phonolgical processing and print knowlege are strong predictors of how well chidlren will learn to read.  

What are the 3 foundational skills?


An accessible means of independently understanding directions/instructions/routines 

What are Visual Supports?


Treat each child with respect. Eliminate language or behavior that is stereotypical, demeaning, exclusionary, or judgmental.

What is developing trusting relationships with children?


Letter of the Week

What is not an appropriate way to teach the alphabet?


Children have varied opportunities to  a. be read books in an engaging manner in group or individualized settings at least twice a day in full-day programs and at least once daily in half-day programs. b. be read to regularly in individualized ways including one-to-one or in small groups of two to six children.  c. explore books on their own and have places that are conducive to the quiet enjoyment of books. d. have access to various types of books including storybooks, factual books, books with rhymes, alphabet books, and wordless books. e. be read the same book on repeated occasions. f. retell and reenact events in storybooks. g. engage in conversations that help them understand the content of the book. h. be assisted in linking books to other aspects of the curriculum.

What is Criterion 2.13? 


An illustration that interweaves the skills needed for proficient reading. All subskills must be interconnected for skilled reading to develop.  

What is Scarborough's Reading Rope? 


Supporting ALL learners in the classroom with positive interactions and learning

What is peer-mediated intervention/social skills?


Gather information about the hopes and expectations families have for their children’s behavior, learning, and development so that you can support their goals.

What is developing positive family relationships? 


An observation-based assessment system for children from birth through kindergarten.

What is GOLD?


A variety of age and developmentally appropriate materials and equipment are available indoors and outdoors for children throughout the day. This equipment includes:  a. dramatic play equipment; b. sensory materials such as sand, water, play dough, paint, and blocks; c. materials that support curriculum goals and objectives in literacy, math, science, social studies, and other content areas; and, d. gross motor equipment for activities such as pulling up; walking; climbing in, on, and over; moving through, around, and under; pushing; pulling; and riding.

What is Criterion 9.1?


Phonemic Awareness and letter-name knowledge 

What are the 2 best predictors of literacy achievement?


The process of developing functional outcomes

What is writing meaningful IEP goals?


A set of 6 developmental levels that describe the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that children from birth to age five should be able to demonstrate.

What are the Iowa Early Learning Standards for Preschool? 

  • Cognitive flexibility—involves thinking about something in multiple ways—for example, considering someone else’s
    perspective on a situation or solving a problem in multiple ways. 

  • Working memory—involves both keeping information in mind and,usually, manipulating it in some way.

  • Inhibitory control—(self-regulation) is the process of deliberately suppressing attention (and subsequent responding) to something, such as ignoring a distraction, stopping an impulsive utterance or action, or overcoming a highly learned response. 

What are the 3 components of Executive Functioning?


Written procedures address the maintenance of developmentally appropriate teaching staff-child ratios within group size to facilitate adult-child interaction and constructive activity among children. Teaching staff-child ratios within group size are maintained during all hours of operation, including: a. indoor time,  b. outdoor time, and  c. during transportation and field trips (when transporting children, the teaching staff-child ratio is used to guide the adult-child ratio).   Groups of children may be limited to one age or may include multiple ages. (A group or classroom consists of the children assigned to a teacher or a team of teaching staff for most of the day and who occupy an individual classroom or well-defined space that prevents intermingling of children from different groups within a larger room or area.)

What is Criterion 10.4?


*Recognizing print in the environment

*Understanding that print carries meaning

*Knowing that print is used for many purposes

*Experience print through writing

What are the essential components of print knowledge? 


The type of practices to be used in the classroom for interventions and proven positive outcomes

What is implementing evidence-based practices?


Some children may need more attention at certain times or more support for learning particular concepts or skills.

What is to differentiate or scaffold learning?


An online certification process that allows teachers to compare their ratings of sample child portfolios with those of TS' master raters. It is designed to improve teachers' assessment skills, increase the accuracy and consistency of their judgments, and help them plan for individual children. 

What is GOLD® Preschool/Pre-K/Transitional Kindergarten Interrater Reliability Certification?