Service Learning
Diversity Topic
Keys of Learning

Where did we go to get our service hours done?

Keep Omaha Beautiful


What is gender diversity?

The diversity of gender differences often refers to the proportion of females and males and the differences that accompany them. How they behave differently or the skills they are more likely to present.


In Kubra's Keys of Learning what was her, I learned?

"that humanity still exists. When we worked together on cleaning, it made the task easier and faster."


What location in Omaha do we start our cleanup?

Westchester Park


What are some differences between the male and female genders?


-More intuitive when making decisions

-Have a higher ability to multitask 

-Are better at building relationships with others

-Develop their language earlier, and oftentimes know more words because of this

-More likely to offer praise and agree with the person they are talking to



-Tend to be more task focused

-Make and base decisions based on information and procedures

-More likely to assert their opinions and offer their criticisms

-Less able to suppress inappropriate responses and more likely to blurt things out



In Dom's Keys of learning what was his, This learning matters because?

"it makes me realize you should surround yourself with the right people you can get anything done."


Name all of the group members of Dom Incorporated and the slogan we use.

Kubra, Jas, Dom, Wyatt

"Everything gets done"


When thinking about gender diversities what is a key note that should be known before making any decisions or assumptions?

“There is considerable variability between individual males and females. Also, even when there are average group differences, the actual size of most of these differences is quite small. This means, knowing someone’s gender does not help much in predicting his or her actual traits.”


What will Jas always remember to do in her, In light of this learning?

"it’s the small things that make the biggest difference"


How many miles did we walk while picking up trash?

Around 2 miles total.


What would equality in the work place look like in a perfect world?

In a perfect world:    

  • Equal opportunities for education and pay                

  • No gender bias in hiring, promoting, and assigning jobs

  • Equal representation for both roles in leadership

  • Zero tolerance for harassment and discrimination

  • Etc.


What was Wyatt's, I learned?

"that even when the situation seems bad, with some work and effort things have a habit of turning back around for the better. Even if they didn't originally go as planned. "


What are three things that Keep Omaha Beautiful promotes?

Environmental Education, Volunteer Opportunities, and Recycle Right Campaigns 


How does stress usually affect males and females differently? 

Stress tends to affect males and females differently, which often plays out through behavioral, emotional, and biological responses. Some men hide their emotions and may seem angry, irritable or withdrawn, while women are more likely to seem sad or express sadness.


In Wyatt's Keys of Learning where did he become aware of his, I learned?

"when Dom and myself were down in a sewer drain run off cleaning/picking up large piles of garbage. That even though we weren’t expecting anything like that while we were cleaning up the park. It worked in our favor because I think it spurred us to pick up even more. "