Classroom Expectations
Classroom Procedures
Hallway& Dismissal Expectations

List at least 2 classroom expectations

1. Listen while others are speaking

2. Respect others and yourself

3. Show kindness

4. Have a positive attitude

5. Always do your best


True or False: Our schedule looks the same every week.

FALSE - We will have rotations every six days, so our schedule for the week depends on those rotations.


What is the hand signal for restroom?

*Students should have index and middle finger crossed and held up high enough for Ms. Walton to see*


What voice level should you be on in the hallway?



True or False: We will NEVER call your parents about your behavior, right or wrong.

FALSE: We will call parents if you are making wrong choices. We LOVE calling parents when you are making positive decisions!


What does showing respect look like?

  • Picking up trash
  • Following directions
  • Cleaning up
  • Listening when someone else is talking, not trying to talk over them

What day is library day?

Ms. Walton's class = B day

Mrs. Perkins' class = A day


What is the signal for water and when do we use it?

*Student should have three fingers held up high enough for Ms. Walton to see it*

We use it if we do not have a water bottle and need water or if we need to refill out water bottle.


If a friend walks by, what is an appropriate way to greet them?

Say, "Hi" on voice level 1 or 2. 

What kind of homework will you have this year? Give at least 3 types.

IXL, Spelling, Reading (Book Clubs), Math


What does trying your best sound like? 

  • Asking your teacher questions
  • Not giving up when something is challenging
  • Saying positive affirmations

What day do we have Bible?

B days


List the four steps to lining up.

1. Everyone must be seated on level zero

2. Ms. Walton will call the line leader and door holder to line up first

3. Ms. Walton will call groups to line up

4. Light technician, class reset captain, then caboose will line up


Who are the first two people to line up?

Line leader and door holder


What is the procedure during a lockdown drill?

No matter where you are, you need to stop talking, listen to the teacher you are with. You must get out of sight, lights off, and stay on voice level zero until you are told otherwise.


Give one real world example of what showing kindness sounds like.

*Ms. Walton will determine if you wrote an example. 

(Speaking words that give life, Working together, Compliments, Words of affirmation)


What days do we have Science lab?

A, C, and E days


Demonstrate (act out) hallway expectations with your group.

  • While in the hallway, you must keep your eyes forward ESPECIALLY ON THE STAIRS
  • You should be on voice level zero (not talking) unless you are quickly saying "Hi" to a friend or adult
    • You should not yell "Hi" to anyone
  • Do not touch work on the bulletin boards
  • No horseplay

Who are the last 3 people to line up? Must be in order

Light technician, class reset captain, and caboose


How do you check out library books from the classroom?

1. Show Ms. Walton the book

2. Get a sticky note to write your name, the title of the book you are checking out, and the date you checked it out. 

3. Place the sticky not on my desk

Briefly describe the locker procedures

1. Take what you need out of your backpack

2. Place your bag inside your locker (if it doesn't fit you have too much)

3. Close your locker but DO NOT SLAM


List the order of our specials. For example, A = Music, B= Spanish...

Walton's Class: A = STEM, B = Art, C = Spanish, D = Music, E = Spanish, F = Music-Art

Perkins' Class: A = Spanish, B = Music, C = STEM, D = Art, E = Music-Art, F = Spanish


What is the most important thing to do in ANY drill?

Listen to the teacher that you are with at that time. This means you can't be talking.


Please describe our dismissal/afternoon procedures

1. Wait for your table to be called

2. Get everything from your mailbox

3. Get your backpack out of your locker

4. Come back to your table

5. We walk out together

6. ASC/Enrichment goes with Mrs. Perkins, Flag duty with Ms. Walton, and everyone else with the 3rd grade teachers


Demonstrate what positive group work looks like.

Follow classroom expectations: voice level 1 or 2, listen to each other, respect each other's thoughts/ideas, be positive and productive