After being tempted in the wilderness, Jesus returned to this region and began teaching in the synagogues.
After Jesus instructed Simon Peter to let down his nets, the nets were so full of these that they began to tear.
Jesus' disciples broke off heads of grain and ate them on this day of the week, leading to criticism from the Pharisees.
The Sabbath
This man sent Jewish elders to ask Jesus to heal his servant.
Centurion (Roman officer)
This woman was healed of seven demons by Jesus and supported His ministry.
Mary Magdalene
Jesus read from this book of the Old Testament in the synagogue in Nazareth, declaring that He was fulfilling the prophecy.
Jesus healed a man with this disease, instructing him to show himself to the priest and offer the required sacrifice.
Jesus healed a man with this type of deformed body part on the Sabbath, which led to anger from the Pharisees.
Jesus was amazed by the centurion’s faith, stating that He had not found such great faith even in this place.
This type of soil in the parable yielded a crop that was a hundred times more than was sown.
Good soil
Jesus said that no prophet is accepted in this type of place.
Hometown (Nazareth)
Jesus forgave the sins of this man who was lowered through a roof by his friends, which led to accusations of blasphemy.
The paralyzed man
Jesus compared the disciples eating grain on the Sabbath to an action performed by this Biblical king who ate the sacred loaves of bread.
Jesus raised this person from the dead in the town of Nain.
The widow’s only son
This type of soil was described as having seed that withered because it had no moisture.
Rocky ground
After Jesus spoke in the synagogue, the people in Nazareth reacted by attempting to push Him off this geographic feature.
Hill or cliff
Jesus called this tax collector to follow Him, leading to a banquet with many tax collectors and guests.
Levi (Matthew)
Jesus chose twelve of His disciples to be these, formally recognizing their leadership roles.
John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus if He was this awaited figure.
The Messiah
Jesus stated that those who hear God's word and do this are His true family.
Put it into practice
In response to the crowd's amazement, Jesus left the synagogue and went to the house of this person, whose mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever.
Jesus said that no one wants this, preferring instead the old, familiar ways over the new.
New wine
Jesus illustrated the danger of focusing on minor faults in others while ignoring this major issue in oneself.
A log in your own eye
Jesus told the woman that her faith had done this for her, as a result of her great love.
Saved her
This leader pleaded with Jesus to come to his house to heal his daughter.
Jesus compared His own rejection in Nazareth to the time when Elijah was sent to this foreign location during a famine.
Jesus used this illustration to explain that new teachings and practices must be kept separate from the old ones.
A new patch on an old garment
Jesus compared those who hear His teachings but do not follow them to a person who builds a house without this crucial element.
A foundation
One of the miracles Jesus instructed John’s disciples to report were occurring.
the blind seeing,
the lame walking,
the lepers being cleansed,
the deaf hearing, and
the dead being raised
Joanna, who supported Jesus out of her own means, was married to this man, who managed Herod's household.