"In" the Know
Seriously Sun-sational
1950s Speak
Misremembering Movies

Julia Roberts plays an American actress who falls in love with a local bookstore owner while filming on location in England in this film.

What is Notting Hill? Notting Hill is the setting of the film, an eclectic west London neighborhood sporting everything from Victorian mansions to artsy secondhand storefronts.


This German city was officially reunified in 1990, after the 1989 fall of a dividing wall in its center.

What is Berlin? This monumental event was the beginning of the end of the Cold War.


This iconic British group sings “Here Comes the Sun."

Who are the Beatles? The tune is from their 1969 Abbey Road album


People referred to movies or films as this in the 1950s.

What is a flick? It got its name from the flicker caused by lamps in early theater projections. You won’t see the same flicker in early movies when they are on TV.


In this movie, Dorothy never said, “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.”

What is The Wizard of Oz? Dorothy says, “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”


In this classic film, Audrey Hepburn plays a New York socialite and sings “Moon River"

What is Breakfast at Tiffany’s? George Peppard plays her love/hate interest


Popular with kids in the 1980s and ’90s, the hacky sack originated in ancient times in this Asian nation.

What is China? The game of jianzi, meaning “shuttlecock,” was played much like the modern version, which was invented in 1972.


This group sings the 1960s hit “Aquarius (Let the Sunshine In).”

What is the 5th Dimension? The song was written for the Broadway musical Hair.


This starchy food staple was also ’50s slang for money.

What is bread? Money has a lot of interesting nicknames, including dough, cheese, clams, and more.


During this NASA mission with the same name as the movie, no one ever said, “Houston, we have a problem.  

What is Apollo 13? The first transmission was, “Okay, Houston, we’ve had a problem here.” NASA didn’t catch the full transmission, so it was repeated as, “Ah, Houston, we’ve had a problem here.”


In this film, Sandra Bullock plays an FBI agent who goes underground at the Miss United States beauty pageant.

What is Miss Congeniality? Pageant coordinator Kathy Morningside, played by Candice Bergen, reminds us throughout the film, “It’s not a pageant; it’s a scholarship program!”


A DeLorean car also functions as one of these in the film Back to the Future.

What is a time machine? After the film’s release, the directors got a fan letter from John DeLorean himself, thanking them for making his car famous.


Snowbirds flock to Florida and Arizona, part of this region, during the winter.

What is the Sunbelt? Both states are known for their sunshine: Florida is “The Sunshine State,” and Arizona’s flag has a stylized sunset on it. The U.S. Sunbelt includes 18 states.


This is the phrase for suddenly accelerating at a high speed while driving.

What is flooring it? In other words, you put the pedal to the metal to increase the speed rapidly.


The words ‘Elementary, my dear Watson” do not appear in any of the books about this brilliant-yet-moody detective.

What is a Sherlock Holmes? It was misquoted in a New York Times film review for the 1929 movie The Return of Sherlock Holmes.


Insomniacs Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks star in 1993’s Sleepless in Seattle and then paired up again for this 1998 New York City rom-com in which they enjoy email correspondence.

What is You’ve Got Mail? In this film, they play adversaries by day and anonymous email pals by night.


In 1984, Bruce Springsteen released this now-iconic album with songs including “No Surrender,” “Glory Days,” and this title track.

What is “Born in the U.S.A.”? The hit album is considered a turning point in his career that helped launch him to stardom.


“Third rock from the sun” refers to this celestial being.

What is Earth? The phrase was used as the title of a 1996 TV sitcom about aliens trying to blend in on Earth.


A bully might offer you this, which means “a punch in the face.”

What is a knuckle sandwich? A knuckle sandwich usually landed on the mouth.


An enduring misquote from the movie Frankenstein is “He’s alive,” but this is the actual quote.

What is “It’s alive”? People still quote it wrong today.


In this sleeper-turned-hit movie, John Corbett plays a xenos (“foreigner”) who marries into a close-knit Greek family.

What is My Big Fat Greek Wedding? The supporting cast includes a Windextoting father, a mother who force-feeds all who walk through her door, and at least 27 first cousins. The “foreigner” is an American without Greek ancestry.


The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear event in 1986 in this European nation.

What is Ukraine? A flawed reactor caused the accident, which has been cited as a factor in the fall of the Soviet Union.


“House of the Rising Sun” was a 1960s hit by this group.

Who are the Animals? The earliest known version of the tune dates back to 1905.


This phrase means “looking for trouble.”

What is cruising for a bruising? Are you cruising for a bruising means “Are you looking for a fight?” It was used as either a warning to deter the other party from fighting or as an invitation to fight.


In the 1967 film The Graduate, this actor is misquoted as saying, “Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?”

Who is Dustin Hoffman? The correct quote is, “Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me. Aren’t you?” Anne Bancroft plays the role of Mrs. Robinson.