HarrisonKornberg "Founding Fathers"
Famous Architects
TV Shows
Generational Slang

James Harrison infected the HKA staff and their families with this illness at a company Christmas party.

What is COVID-19?


This architect was the first director of the Bauhaus.

Who is Walter Gropius?


This character from the show "Friends" is known for her love of fashion and works at Central Perk. She’s portrayed by Jennifer Aniston.

Who is Rachel Green?


This cocktail, traditionally made with gin, vermouth, and an optional olive or a lemon twist, is the preferred drink of a famous movie character who orders his drinks "shaken, not stirred."

What is a martini?


This Gen-Z term means to charm and woo a person.

What is "rizz"?


Daniel Kornberg was studying abroad in this city when he was inspired to study architecture.

What is Florence, Italy?


Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris is the birth name of this architect.

Who is Le Corbusier?


The catchphrase, "That's what she said," was popularized by the American version of this comedy series.

What is "The Office"?


This popular cocktail is made with rum, lime juice, and mint.

What is a mojito?


This 2000's millennial term was often used by "scene kids" to convey endearment or, "I love you," in dinosaur-speak.

What is "rawr"?


This HarrisonKornberg principal perfected his skating skills while working at an ice rink.

Who is James Harrison?


This architect designed the Chapel of St. Basil at the University of St. Thomas, which contrasts his other nearby Miesian buildings with a more postmodern design.

Who is Philip Johnson?


This TV series, created by Vince Gilligan, follows the transformation of a high school chemistry teacher to a drug kingpin and is known for its complex character development and moral ambiguity.

What is "Breaking Bad"?


This classic cocktail is made with whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters.

What is a Manhattan?


This popular 1980's term usually describes a materialistic teenage girl from southern California with a nasally accent and frequent usage of upward inflections.

What is a "valley girl"?


This HKA principal led his high school basketball team to second place in their division finals.

Who is Daniel Kornberg?


This architect authored the essay, “Ornament and Crime."

Who is Adolf Loos?


This show, which premiered in 2004, is set in a dystopian future where humans are at war with robotic Cylons and features its namesake spaceship.

What is "Battlestar Galactica"?


In the mid-2000s, a New York bartender invented a cocktail with scotch, lemon, and honey-ginger syrup. It may not cure what ails ya, but which famous medicine did he name the drink after?

What is penicillin?


This slang term, popular in the 1960s and 1970s, refers to someone who is not cool or hip, and is often used in a dismissive manner.

What is "square"?


This building at the north edge of downtown was the first office of HarrisonKornberg Architects.

What is Vine Street Studios?


Renowned for designing the Sydney Opera House, this Danish architect left an indelible mark on modern architecture.

Who is Jørn Utzon?


Michael Cera's character in "Arrested Development" shares a name with this pop legend.

Who is George Michael?


This classic cocktail is made with gin, lemon juice, and honey.

What is a Bee's Knees?


This slang phrase, popularized during WWII and involving a type of rodent, describes an overly industrious, enthusiastic, and hardworking person.

What is an "eager beaver"?