Conversion Trivia
This is the date ranges for when credit card conversion is happening?
What is Nov 8-Nov 11
This vendor team is supporting all teams in the program (its in the program name)
Who is TSYS?
This is the activity that many of our business partners are being involved in, where they are validating data in TSYS CONV environment
What is Mock 5?
These are our credit card vendors
Who are AMEX and VISA?
Who is the conversion leadership team?
This is the card vendor who supplies plastics
Who is G&D?
This is the number of days to conversion as of today
What is 83?
This is the vendor from Fraud
Who is ACI?
They are the scrum masters of the conversion pod
Who are Kishore and Sarah?
This is the vendors for insurance
Who is Chubb/Unity?