Riparian Plants
River Science
Colorado River
World Rivers

This artist releasted the aptly titled double album, the River, in 1980.

Who is Bruce Springsteen?


Once thought to be a beneficial windbreak tree, this invasive riparian plant was brought to the US from Eurasia in the 1800s.

What is Russian olive?


This term, meaning "under the flow," refers to the region beneath and alongside a river that is critical to maintaining water quality and aquatic habitat.

What is the hyporheic zone?


The Green and Colorado Rivers confluence in this National Park.

What is Canyonlands?


This river discharges the largest volume of fresh water in the world.

What is the Amazon River?


Neil Young wrote of a nefarious fellow dispatching his lover near a stream in this 1969 hit song.

What is Down by the River?


This very invasive riparian plant has a long, very noticeable fingernail-sized ligule.

What is reed canary grass?


This coefficient is determined by factors that affect channel and floodplain roughness or friction.

What is Manning's n?


This one-armed explorer made the first modern documented decent down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.

Who is John Wesley Powell?


These two rivers form what is commonly known as the "Cradle of Civilization."

What are the Tigris and Euphrates?


The Grateful Dead sang of this sediment-impaired waterway on their 1987 album "In the Dark."

What is Black Muddy River?


One of the most common willow species in Colorado, particularly at lower elevations, this scientific name denotes coyote or sandbar willow.

What is salix exigua?


This phenomenon, which often results in a standing wave, happens when supercritical flow transitions to subcritical flow.

What is a hydraulic jump?


The monumental Minute 319 agreement between the US and Mexico provided water for environmental flows in the Colorado River delta in the spring and summer of this year.

What is 2014?


Lewis and Clark followed this river to its headwaters during their iconic journey westward.

What is the Missouri?


The Army Corps of Engineers (hopefully) have a plan for the type of catastrophic event portrayed in a rocking 1971 Led Zepplin song.

What is When the Levee Breaks?


Spiranthes diluvialis, diluvialis meaning "of the flood," is a rare species of this plant species?

What is Orchid? (Specifically Ute Lady's Tresses.)


This type of sediment transport in a river happens when sediment particles move across the riverbed in a series of low jumps or bounces.

What is saltation?


The US has two Colorado Rivers: the one that originates in Colorado and flows through 7 states to the Gulf of Mexico, and another one, which flows entirely within this state.

What is Texas?


The third-longest navigable river in the world, after the Amazon and the Nile, is the Murray River, found on this continent.

What is Australia?


In 1974, the Talking Heads longed for transport to a lotic waterway in this song.

What is Take Me to the River?


This tough, flexible branch of a willow is used for tying or binding.

What is a withy?


This governing equation describes all fluid dynamics from flow in a stream to the air around airplane wings.

What is the Navier-Stokes equation?


Not including Native American names of the river, until July 25, 1921, the Colorado River was known by this name.

What is the Grand River?


Once a dangerous and informidable place to explore because the cartel held the land captive to produce cocaine, this river forms the boundary between two South American countries.

What is the Orinoco River?