The Iowa Way is...
Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be safe. Go Eagles!
STEM stands for...
Who keeps our school clean?
Ms Maria
How many kids do I have
3 boys
Tallest teacher at Iowa
Mr Renschler
What is "show me a 1, 2, 3"?
1 sitting with no voices, ready to learn, attention on teacher.
2 standing behind your pushed in chair, no voices, attention on teacher.
3 standing in your ABC/number order in line, no voices, attention on teacher.
Are we allowed to open any app we want in STEM and classrooms?
No. Only use the appropriate apps approved by teachers.
Who is our new Vice Principal?
Ms Connolly
Favorite drink
Diet Coke with cherry
How many Oreos are in a regular size package?
Name 3 things we DO NOT do in the cafeteria
Throw food, get up without raising your hand, loud voices, sit anywhere you'd like, leave your mess and tray at the table, run in the cafeteria, put too much food on your tray, play with your or others food on the tray, throw your tray in the trash, be rude or disrespectful to teachers/cafeteria staff/other students/Maria.
Will Mrs Garza allow you to bring drinks, food and gum to her classroom? Will Mrs Garza allow you to use the restroom or get a drink of water during her class? Does Mrs Garza like blurting, students talking while she is talking?
Which teacher taught kindergarten and now is teaching 4th grade?
Mr Posey
How many surgeries have I had?
How many bones have I broken?
4 surgeries
0 broken bones (broke my nose...but that isn't's cartilage).
How long do elephants live?
40 year lifespan
Who do you find at recess for issues, bathroom, and questions?
Teachers and staff at recess.
Issues at recess need to be addressed and discussed with teacher at recess...not waiting until recess is over and you are back in your classroom.
How should you act while working in a group during a STEM activity?
Be friendly, participate, engage with suggestions and ideas, do not complain about who your teammates are, do not take full control of the STEM activity, make sure all teammates are involved.
This teacher has a class pet. This teacher is fun and outgoing. This teacher has taught kindergarten, 2nd and 3rd grade.
Mrs Williamson
I love dogs and pandas. But I absolutely do not like what animal.
How many red thread stiches are on a baseball?
66, 45, 108 or 80
Name 3 things you can do to keep our school great.
Listen to your teacher, be friendly to others, be helpful, follow directions, do your best, encourage others to do their best, pick-up trash in the hall/bathroom/playground/cafeteria, remember the Iowa Way (respectful, responsible, safe).
Name 3 careers that use STEM
Doctor, astronaut, forest ranger, pharmacist, teacher, engineer, military, farmer, computer systems, architect, nurse, zoologist, rollercoaster engineer, veterinarian, environmental scientist, electrician, nutritionist
This teacher helps students with reading and spelling. This teacher loves Marvels, Harry Potter and dogs.
Ms Katie
Which famous book/movie series have I never read/watched?
Harry Potter
How many eyes do spiders have?
How many eyes do bees have?