
What is morphology? 

A.The study of the rules governing the sounds that form words

B.The study of the rules governing sentence formation

C.The study of the rules governing word formation

D.The study of the rules governing the relationship between word and social aspects

C. The study of the rules governing word formation

Morphology is the study of the rules that govern word formation. It focuses on the structure and formation of words, including the analysis of prefixes, suffixes, and other morphemes. This field of linguistics examines how words are created and how they can be modified to convey different meanings. By studying morphology, linguists can better understand the building blocks of language and how words are formed in different languages.


What is syntax in linguistics? 

Syntax in linguistics refers to the arrangement of words and phrases. Syntax covers topics like word order and grammar rules, such as subject-verb agreement or the correct placement of direct and indirect objects.


I can’t believe that you wrote a seven-page proposal in one day. That _____________________.

a. must have been exhausted

b. must have been exhausting

c. should have been exhausting

d. should have been exhausted

b. must have been exhausting


If we want to say that we are 95% sure that something happened, we use must have + past participle. We normally use should have + past participle to talk about criticism and regrets. 

Exhausting and exhausted are not interchangeable. We use exhausting to talk about the cause of the exhaustion, and we use exhausted to talk about the receiver of the exhaustion. This rule applies for words like boring/bored, interesting/interested, exciting/excited, terrifying/terrified, etc.


The place of articulation for /f/ is ___________. This kind of sound is made with the lower lip and the upper teeth.

A. Labiodental

B. Alveolar

C. Interdental

D. Bilabial

A. Labiodental

The correct answer is labiodental. The /f/ sound is produced by bringing the lower lip into contact with the upper teeth. This place of articulation is known as labiodental.


Define pragmatics

  • the study of the practical aspects of human action and thought.
  • the study of the use of linguistic signs, words and sentences, in actual situations.

What is a morpheme?

A.The smallest unit of a particular language

B.The minimal pair of a chosen phrase

C.The smallest meaningful unit of a word

D.The minimal item of a linguistic unit

C. The smallest meaningful unit of a word 

A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a word. It is a combination of sounds that has a specific meaning in a language. For example, in the word "cats," there are two morphemes: "cat," which refers to the animal, and "s," which indicates plurality. Each morpheme carries its own meaning and cannot be further divided into smaller meaningful units. Therefore, the correct answer is "The smallest meaningful unit of a word."


Which of the following is not a determiner?





C. Tall

The answer is "Tall." Determiners are words that introduce and modify nouns. In this case, "This," "Those," and "Their" are determiners. They help specify or clarify the noun they precede.


I know a lot about Microsoft Excel. If you _______.

a. told me you were having trouble, I would help you

b. would have told me you were having trouble, I would have helped you

c. told me you were having trouble, I would have helped you

d. had told me you were having trouble, I would have helped you

d. had told me you were having trouble, I would have helped you


This is a third conditional (also called the past unreal conditional).


Which of the following choices has a tense vowel?





Correct Answer
A. Pie

The word "pie" has a tense vowel because it contains the long vowel sound /aɪ/. In English, tense vowels are characterized by a longer duration and are usually spelled with a combination of letters, such as "ie" in this case. The other words listed do not have tense vowels.


Is pragmatics similar to syntax and semantics?

A. True

B. False

B. False

Pragmatic is not similar to syntax and semantics. While syntax refers to the structure and arrangement of words in a sentence, and semantics deals with the meaning of words and how they combine to form meaningful sentences, pragmatics focuses on the use of language in context and the effects it has on the listener or reader. Pragmatics considers factors such as tone, gestures, and cultural context to interpret meaning. Therefore, pragmatics is distinct from syntax and semantics.


______________ is a word formation process in which you put existing words together to create new words.





A. Compounding

Compounding is a word formation process where existing words are combined to create new words. This process involves putting together two or more words to form a new word with a different meaning. For example, the words "sun" and "flower" can be compounded to create the word "sunflower." This process is commonly used in English to create new words and expand the vocabulary of the language.


What grammatical element is contained in the following line? To be or not to be__

A. Infinitive phrase

B. Independent clause

C. Gerund phrase

D. Dependent clause

A. Infinitive phrase

The line "To be or not to be" contains an infinitive phrase. An infinitive phrase is a group of words that begins with an infinitive verb (in this case, "to be") and is used as a noun, adjective, or adverb in a sentence. In this line, the infinitive phrase functions as a noun phrase and serves as the subject of the sentence.


One of my coworkers gave me some good advice. She suggested ___________________.

a. me to make a to-do list every morning

b. that I made a to-do list every morning

c. that I make a to-do list every morning

d. to make a to-do list every morning

c. that I make a to-do list every morning


We need the subjunctive form here.

The simple form is the infinitive without the "to." The simple form of the verb "to go" is "go." The Subjunctive is only noticeable in certain forms and tenses.


What is the characteristic of diphthongs?

A.There are 3 vowel sounds.

B.There are 2 vowel sounds.

C.There are at least 2 vowel sounds and a consonant.

D. It is a combination between one consonant and a vowel.

B. There are 2 vowel sounds.

Diphthongs are characterized by having two vowel sounds. Unlike monophthongs, which have only one vowel sound, diphthongs involve a smooth transition between two different vowel sounds within the same syllable. This transition often creates a gliding or sliding sound, as the speaker moves from one vowel sound to another. Therefore, the correct answer is "There are 2 vowel sounds."


What does deixis mean?

A. Deixis is the use of general words and phrases to refer to a specific time, place, or person in context.

B. Deixis is based on the information that is right and combined with experiences.

C. Deixis is an act in which a speaker or writer uses linguistic forms to enable a listener or reader to identify something.

D.None of these

A. Deixis is the use of general words and phrases to refer to a specific time, place, or person in context.

Deixis refers to the use of general words and phrases to refer to a specific time, place, or person in context. It involves using linguistic forms to enable the listener or reader to identify something. It is not based on information or experiences, but rather on the context in which the words or phrases are used.


Which of the following is an example of an inflectional morpheme in English?

A.Tall --> taller

B.Create --> creator

C.Write --> writer

D.Generate --> generator

A. Tall --> taller

An inflectional morpheme is a morpheme that does not change the grammatical category or meaning of a word, but rather indicates a grammatical feature such as tense, number, or comparison. In this case, the inflectional morpheme "-er" is added to the adjective "tall" to indicate the comparative form "taller". This does not change the word's meaning or category, but rather indicates a comparison between two things.


In the sentence “The fat man ate food,” which part is the noun phrase?



C.The fat man

D.At food

C. The fat man

The noun phrase in the sentence "The fat man ate food" is "the fat man". A noun phrase is a group of words that includes a noun and any words that modify or describe it. In this case, "man" is the noun, and "the fat" is the modifier that describes the man. Therefore, "the fat man" is the noun phrase in the given sentence.


__________ I work on this all day, I’ll never finish on time.

a. In spite of

b. Despite

c. Even if

d. Even though

c. Even if


We use even though or although for something that is true. We use even if to talk about a hypothetical condition.

In this example, we’re talking about something hypothetical, so we need even if. Despite and in spite of are incorrect because they must be followed by a noun or gerund, not a subject and a verb.


Phonemes that have alternative phonetic realizations are called ______________.

A. Allophones

B. Minimal pairs

C. Onset

D. Rhyme

Correct Answer
A. AllopHones

Phonemes that have alternative phonetic realizations are called allophones. Allophones are different variations of a phoneme that do not change the meaning of a word. They are influenced by factors such as stress, position in a word, or neighboring sounds. For example, the /t/ sound in the word "top" may be pronounced as a soft /t/ in "little" or as a glottal stop in "button." These variations are considered allophones of the /t/ phoneme.


Deixis is divided into three principles. Choose the three principles.

A. Person Deixis

B. Context Deixis

C. Spatial Deixis

D. Grammar Deixis

E. Temporal Deixis

Correct Answer(s)
A. Person Deixis
C. Spatial Deixis
E. Temporal Deixis

The three principles of deixis are person deixis, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis. Person deixis refers to the use of pronouns and other linguistic devices to indicate the participants in a conversation. Spatial deixis involves the use of language to indicate location and direction. Temporal deixis refers to the use of language to indicate time and tense. Grammar deixis is not a recognized principle of deixis, so it is not one of the correct answers.


Which choice describes the basic properties of derivational morphemes?

A. Derivational morphemes are affixes that can change the meaning or parts of speech of words.

B. Derivational morphemes are affixes that change numbers or tenses.

A. Derivational morpHemes are affixes that can change the meaning or parts of speech of words.

The correct answer is that derivational morphemes are affixes that can change the meaning or parts of speech of words. This means that when a derivational morpheme is added to a word, it can alter its meaning or change it into a different part of speech. For example, adding the derivational morpheme "-er" to the verb"teach" creates the word"teacher," which is a noun that means  “a person who performs the action of teaching.”


What grammatical element is contained in the following sentence?

Running with scissors can cause serious injury.

A. Infinitive phrase

B. Dependent clause

C. Gerund phrase

D. Compound phrase

C. Gerund pHrase

The correct answer is "gerund phrase." In the given sentence, "Running with scissors" is a phrase that functions as a noun. It contains the gerund "running," which is a verb form that acts as a noun. The phrase "with scissors" modifies the gerund, making it a phrase. Therefore, "gerund phrase" accurately describes the grammatical element in the sentence.


In no way _________________________.

a. we broke the law

b. did we break the law

c. we did break the law

d. did we broke the law

b. did we break the law


We need to invert the subject and verb here.


What is Phonetics? And name at least 4 articularoty groups or places of articulation. e.g. Bilbial

Definition: Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the production and classification of the world’s speech sounds.

Articulatory Phonetics: Bilabial, Labiodental, Dental, Alveolar, Postalveolar, Palatal, Velar, Fricative.


What is presuppose?

A. It is when a speaker assumes that the listener knows something.

B. It is when a speaker assumes that the listener knows nothing.

C. Both

D. None

Correct Answer
A. It is when a speaker assumes that the listener knows something.

Presuppose refers to the act of assuming that the listener already has knowledge about a certain topic. This assumption allows the speaker to skip explaining or providing background information, as they believe the listener is already aware of it. Therefore, the correct answer is "It is when a speaker assumes that the listener knows something."