Morning Routine
In Class Expectations
Switching Classes
Class Supplies
School-wide Expectations

If you are packing for lunch, where does your lunch box go?

In the bin outside the classroom. 


When your teacher starts counting down from 5, what should you do?

Stop talking, look at your teacher. 


Where will you get markers, crayons, scissors, and glue sticks in your afternoon class if needed?

From community supplies.


How many pencils should be in your pencil pouch at all times?

5 pencils


Where is the only place at school that a voice level of 3 or 4 is acceptable?

Outdoor recess. 


How should you enter the classroom every morning?

Quietly and kindly. Say hello to your teacher!


What should you do when you need to use the restroom?

Make the restroom hand signal and wait for your teacher to give you a thumbs up. 


Where does your lunch box go after lunch?

Back in the lunch bin or in your bookbag. 

What is the only item that should be left in your desk?

A clipboard. 


How many students should be on one bench together in the cafeteria?

5-6 students at most. 


What is the first thing you should do in the classroom every morning?

Make your lunch choice so your teacher knows you are here. 


How will you be rewarded for doing good things?

Brag tags, stickers, choice board, whole class rewards. 


Which supplies will you bring with you when you switch classrooms every day?

Pencil wars pouch, headphones, backpacks. 


Which supplies will be your own (meaning you won't share them with other students)?

Workbooks, personal notebooks, pencil pouches. 


What are the hallway expectations?

Straight line, no gaps, no talking, facing forward. 


Once all of your morning responsibilities are taken care of, what can you work on until morning meeting starts? 

DreamBox, Lexia, Read, color/write, talk with friends quietly. You must be seated. 


If you consistently fail to meet expectations, what will happen?

You will be asked to spend part of your recess filling out a behavior reflection sheet.


Which job will be the helper's responsibility when switching classes every day?

Rolling the black supply cart back and forth. 


Which supplies will be shared as a class?

Markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, glue sticks. 


If you leave the classroom by yourself to use the restroom, what should you take with you?

A hallpass. 

Which supplies should you get out every morning to make sure you are ready for the day?

Pencil pouch, Chromebook, headphones. 


In what order will classes line up?

By class number. On the 16th, number 16 goes first. It rotates every day. 


Which classroom does each person on your team go before leaving at the end of the day?

Busses - Mr. Byrer

Car riders - Mrs. Hanson

Walkers/Kids Place - Mrs. Peddicord 


What is the process for starting a workplace math game in Mrs. Hanson's class?

Sign your name on the workplace you are doing that day, find a partner, get the supplies and get started.


When you are outside and the whistle blows, what should you do immediately?

Stop playing, put materials away, line up quickly.