Course Overview
Class Policies
Assessment Criteria
Late Work Policy
Units of Study

 This skill is the primary focus of ninth grade English, involving reading, writing, and communication.

What are literacy skills?


This policy states that students are not allowed to use these devices during school hours, except during breaks.

  1. What is the cell phone policy?


Criterion A focuses on analyzing this aspect of text(s).

  1. What is content, context, language, structure, technique, and style?


If a student fails to turn in an assignment on time, this grade is recorded in Managebac.

  1. What is a zero?


The first unit focuses on this novel by Scott Westerfeld.

  1. What is "The Uglies"?


This is the genre of the first unit of study in the course.

What is dystopian fiction?


These types of assessments must be given with a 7-day notice.

  1.  What are summative assessments?


Criterion B evaluates how well students do this with their opinions and ideas.

  1. What is organizing opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent, and logical manner?


The number of days a student has to submit a formative assignment without penalty.

  1. What is one class period?


This unit allows students to select their own novel for a book club.

What is Unit 3?


This major novel studied in Unit 4 explores perspective, identities, and relationships.

  1. What is "The Poisonwood Bible"?


This is the maximum number of summative assessments that can be scheduled on the same day for a given grade level.

  1.  What is two?


Criterion C involves producing texts with this quality, demonstrating insight and sensitivity.

  1. What is imagination?


The policy requires students to send this if they miss an assignment deadline.

  1. What is an email to their parent(s) with the teacher CC'd?


The Enlightenment unit aligns with this subject in the curriculum.

  1. What is Individuals & Societies?


This type of project or written paper is the summative assessment for Unit 1.

  1. What is a written paper or project?


After how many days does a summative assessment receive a permanent zero if not submitted?

  1. What is three calendar days?


Criterion D evaluates how well students use this aspect of language in writing and speaking.

  1. What is appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structures, and forms of expression?


This event must occur daily if a summative assessment is not submitted within three days.

  1. What is mandatory study hall?


The final project in Unit 4 may include this type of creative or written work.

  1. What is Perspective Analysis?


This unit aligns with the content taught in Individuals & Societies and focuses on great authors and thinkers.

  1. What is the Enlightenment?


This mandatory activity occurs daily until a late assignment or assessment is completed.

What is study hall?


In Criterion B, students must use these tools to create a suitable presentation style.

  1. What are referencing and formatting tools?


This condition must be excluded from due date calculations for late work.

  1. What are student absences?


This type of assessment is used to evaluate multiple texts in Unit 2.

  1. What is critical analysis?