Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Identify the Step

Do the steps of the scientific method need to be conducted in order? 


James works at a bakery. The number of cakes he can decorate depends on how many hours he works. What his is independent variable?

The number of hours he works 


You want to determine if music help improve test scores. You use Mr. Kerner's 6th grade math classes to test this theory. You have one of his classes listening to music during their test and one class not listening to music. You will see which class scored highest on the exam. What is the dependent variable?

The student's test scores 


Regardless of whether an group is receiving treatment or not, the things that will not be changed are called? 


1. Four plants were purchased. They were the same height and weight 

2. The plants were placed in the same location outside so they would have the same environmental factors.

3. The plants were watered with 1 cup, 2 cups, 3 cups, or 4 cups of water and measured on a weekly basis. 

Which step of the scientific method does this align with? 



What is the name of the step, in which, a scientist makes an educated guess about what is going to happen in the experiment? 



You are conducting a experiment to see how much sleep you get at night affects your test scores. What is your independent variable?

Hours of sleep


Brandon is conducting and experiment on his cactus plants. He wants to see if they grow better in different colors lights. He is going to be testing blue light, red light, green light, and purple light. What is Brandon's dependent variable?

The cactus' growth 


Rigo is doing an experiment to see which dog food makes his dogs fur softer. He has four different dog foods to test. He will feed each one to his dog for a month and then collect data. What should Rigo keep constant in this experiment? Name two!

Amount of water the dog drinks 

Amount of exercise 

Amount of food 

Number of baths 

Amount of brushing



I believe that the higher the incline of the ramp the further the ball will travel after it is released down the ramp. 

Which step of the scientific method is this? 



What is the name of the step of the scientific method, in which, a scientist is summarizing what they did in the experiment, the experiment, and the results?




You want to conduct and experiment to determine which brand of paper towel holds more water. You have four brands of paper towels to test. What is your independent variable?

The brand of paper towel 


Determining the effects of mediation on stress levels. A study is set up with a group of people mediating daily, a group mediating three times a week, and a group not mediating at all. At the end their stress level is measured using both blood pressure and a stress questionnaire. What is the dependent variable?

Stress Level 


You want to determine if music help improve test scores. You use Mr. Kerner's 6th grade math classes to test this theory. You have one of his classes listening to music during their test and one class not listening to music. You will see which class scored highest on the exam. What is a constant we used in this experiment? Name two. 

Mr. Kerner 

Instruction received 

Test questions 

Amount of studying/preparation 


"Does Gatorage really help improve athletic performance?" 

This is an example of which step of the scientific method?



Normally when performing an experiment the first thing that must be decided is? (The first step of the method) 

The Question (what are we doing????)


Brandon is conducting and experiment on his cactus plants. He wants to see if they grow better in different colors lights. He is going to be testing blue light, red light, green light, and purple light. What is Brandon's independent variable?

The color of light 


Rigo is doing an experiment to see which dog food makes his dogs fur softer. He has four different dog foods to test. He will feed each one to his dog for a month and then collect data. What is Rigo's dependent variable?

The softness of fur 


Johnny wants to know if reading at night helps him fall asleep faster than watching Tiktok. He sets up an experiment in which he tries reading a book before bed three times and three times he scrolls on TikTok. What are some things he should keep constant? Name 1. 

The time at which he starts the activity 

Amount of activity during the day (exhaustion level) 

The light in the room 

Sleeping location 

Plant #1 grew 3 inches 

Plant #2 grew 1 inch 

Plant #3 grew 5 inches 

Plant #4 didn't grow 

Which step of the scientific method is this? 


Which step in the scientific method includes factors such as, independent variable, dependent variable, constants, and control groups?

The experiment


You want to determine if music help improve test scores. You use Mr. Kerner's 6th grade math classes to test this theory. You have one of his classes listening to music during their test and one class not listening to music. You will see which class scored highest on the exam. What is the independent variable?

Listening to music


You want to conduct and experiment to determine which brand of paper towel holds more water. You have four brands of paper towels to test. What is your dependent variable?

The amount of water the paper towel holds 

Does writing with a pen make your hand hurt less than writing with a pencil? An experiment was set up to test this theory. What are some things that should remain constant? Name 1. 

The type of pen

The type of pencil 

The amount of writing 

The paper used to write on 


In this experiment we tested the height a ball bounced after being released from several different heights, we determined that the higher ball is dropped the higher it will bounce after being dropped.

 Which step of the scientific method is this? 
