An employee must submit grievances in what form
What is writing?
Employees earn this many PTO hours per pay period in their first year of employment...
5 hrs per pay period
Staff must sign acknowledge of this infant policy when completing new hire paperwork.
What is Safe Sleep?
This supervisor is an avid Denver Broncos fan.
Who Is Michelle?
This local weather/anchorman was an Executive Director at TDC
Who is David George?
Employees must follow what when submitting complaints...
What is the chain of command?
Staff receive this many mental health days per year...
2 mental health days
This is the ratio for infants during drop off and pick up
What is one to four
This supervisor was once awarded 3rd place in the Country Music Contest at TPAC.
Who is Hope Williams?
This is TDC's Mission
TDC Learning Centers provides early care and education to facilitate the development of children and families to their fullest potential
This policy is in place to protect employees from retaliation when reporting a policy violation
What is Whistle Blowers policy?
An employee must be employed this long before receiving funeral leave or PTO
What is 90-days?
This is the amount of room needed between cots at naptime according to licensing.
What is two feet?
This supervisor has had migraine headaches since the age of 4
Who is Liz?
This is the meaning of the acronym DEI.
What is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?
TDC is what type of employer forbidding discrimination
Equal Opportunity Employer
Staff that voluntarily terminate their employment may receive this benefit when leaving TDC
What is PTO payout?
Children are required to get this much outdoor playtime if weather allows
What is one hour?
This supervisor started at TDC in 2014.
Who is Mari Dominguez?
This is the developmental area that TDC focuses on most for Kindergarten readiness.
What is Social/Emotional growth?
Part-time employees are classified as working this many hours or below a week...
30 hours
Employees receive protection against this as required by federal law, which can come in the form of hostile work environment, sexual or verbal
What is harassment?
A critical incident report must be submitted to KDHE by this time
What is the next working day?
This supervisor started at TDC as a preschool teacher at Adventures
Who is Kelsey?
TDC partners with this organization to assist low income families in finding childcare.