BA stands for
batting average
FG stands for
Field Goal
YDS stands for
In baseball, BS stands for (not that!)
Blown Saves
In basketball, chrg stands for
HR stands for
Home Run
FT stands for
Free Throw
INT stands for
In football, IN20 stands for
Punts inside the 20 yard line
In baseball, DRS stands for
ERA stands for
Earned Run Average
TO stands for
FF stands for
Forced Fumble
In basketball, TS% stands for
True Shooting Percentage
In football, TB% stands for
Touchback Percentage
WHIP stands for
Walks and Hits Divided by Innings Pitched
BLK stands for
Blocked Shot
HRY stands for
Hurries (QB hurried into a forced throw)
In baseball, PC stands for
In football, FC stands for
Fair Catch
OPS stands for
On-base plus slugging percentage
Player Efficiency Rating
OSKR stands for
Onside Kicks Recovered
In basketball, OER stands for
Offensive Efficiency Rating
In baseball, WAR stands for
Wins Above Replacement (how much better one player is than a replacement level player)