Trust and Faith
Bible Verse
Responding in Faith
The virtue of faith, Having faith in suffering

The written record of God's revelation of Himself contained in the Old and New Testaments. 

What is the Bible?


What do we extend to someone when we believe that what they say and do is truthful and good?

What is trust?


" I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father"

What is Jn. 15:15?


Who became the spiritual father of all the peoples of the world who would come to know God through faith and not idolatry?

Who is Abraham?


When do we receive the strength or power to believe in God's revelation because of the trustworthiness of God?

What is Baptism?


A gift from God that allows us to know God and conform our minds, hearts, and wills to him.

What is Faith?


How are trust and faith similar?

What is to have faith in another is to say that we trust them?

"No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends"

Jn. 15:13


What land did God ask Abraham to venture to far away?

What is the land of Canaan?


What assists the baptized to accept the word of God as true?

What is the Holy Spirit?


The story of God's love and mercy revealed to us throughout human history, culminating in Christ's sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection from the dead which won for us salvation from sin and death.

What is salvation history?


Ancient people practiced what by worshipping the creations of God rather than God himself?

What is Idolatry?


"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen'.'Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness' because he was 'strong in his faith,' Abraham became the 'father of all who believe'"

What is Hebrews 11:1


God does not simply tell us things he also does what?

What is showing us?


During this time we might feel as if God does not love us, doesn't care, or is not listening. 

What is suffering?


A strength or power a person acquires by effort and hard work.

What is virtue?


Why did God decide to reveal himself to us?

What is building a relationship and friendship?


What does Genesis 15:6 Say?

What is Abram believed the Lord and he credited it to him as righteousness? 


What means "father of great many"? 

What is Abraham?


What causes suffering?

What is sin?


The strength or power to believe in God's revelation and act as his children. Given to us at Baptism.

What is Supernatural virtue?


Why do human beings have a deep and natural desire to believe in God?

What is perfectly trustworthy?


What prayer can we make our prayer from the father of Marks Gospel?

What is "I do believe, help my unbelief" ?


What was the name of Abraham's son?

Who is Isaac?


Who does the problem with suffering date back to?

Who is Adam and Eve?