All In The Family
Flower Power
Suga, Suga
Everyone on the Whole Cell Block
Leaf Me Alone

This family of trees are synonymous with the South and have shiny dark green leaves and fragrant blossoms. 

What are magnolias?


These are usually the most prominent and colorful part of a flower.

What are the petals?


This is the name of process by which plants produce their own food.

What is photosynthesis?


This is the pigment that give plants their "Hulk" like coloring.

What is chlorophyll?


This is the name of the system of a plant that is generally underground.

What is the root system?


This family of trees is associated with Christmas and primarily used for wreath making.

What are hollies?


These are the vase like structures of a flower.

What is the pistil?


These are the two chemicals necessary for photosynthesis.

What are carbon dioxide and water?


This is the brain center of cell.

What is the nucleus?


Similar to our heart, lungs, etc. each root, stem, leaf, and flower of a plant are considered this type of structure.

What is an organ?

This family of trees is one of the most familiar especially for furniture, flooring, and construction.

What are oak trees?


This yellowish dust is what causes so many allergies in people and is also the male reproductive cells of a flower.

What is pollen?


This is the name of the SIMPLE SUGAR produced during dark reactions of photosynthesis.

What is glucose?


This part of the plant cell basically shouts "You shall not pass" to anything that shouldn't enter into the cell.

What is the cell membrane?


These are the two types of leaves.

What are simple and compound leaves?


Unlike its namesake, this family of trees do not chase after their feline nemesis.

What are dogwoods?


This is the names of the two types of flowers, one has all four basic parts, the other lacks one or more of the basic flower parts.

What are complete and incomplete flowers?


This particular type of reaction during photosynthesis is used to make ATP and NADPH.

What are light reactions?


This part of a cell is what takes the place of a skeletal system in plants.

What is a cell wall?


These are the three basic shapes of leaves found in nature. 

What is broad and flat, long and narrow, and needle or scale like?


Zacchaeus climbed a tree that was a part of this family of trees. 

What are sycamore trees?


This is the name of the cluster of flowers that most plants produce. 

What are inflorescences?


This is what a potato is classified as nutritionally and it is also the name of long, chain-like molecules consisting of thousands of glucose molecules linked together.

What is starch?


These are the storage units within a cell of a plant.

What are vacuoles?


This is the name of the small leaf-like or scale-like structure that helps to cover a developing leaf.

What are stipules?