
What is the minimum wage in Tucson Az?

In April 1st 2022 the minimum wage was $13

January 1st, 2023 it was $13.85

January 1st, 2024 - it is $14.35

This is a form that allows people who are applying for jobs to describe their experience and skills in their own words 

A Resume 


Do you have to go to college to have a successful career?


BUT! there are many careers that need a college degree

But you can also go get training or a certficate and don't have to go to college to get a good career


How old do you have to be to get your permit? 

15 and 6 months


What is a down payment?

A down payment  is the money a buyer pays upfront to complete a purchase that will be for a long term payment plan.


What is a budget? 

Because money is not limitless, making decisions about what to eat, what to wear, or what activity to do is a crucial skill to have when it comes to managing money. After all, you can’t buy everything, so fostering smart decision-making will make their financial lives as adults much healthier.


What is the difference between a job and a career 

A job is a post of employment. Allows you to work with no education, training or license. Sometimes seen as short term

The definition of a career is an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training followed as one's lifework. Sometimes seen as long term 


Name at least two things you need to get into college?

1) a high school diploma or GED

2) SAT or ACT

3) an average of 2.7-4.0 grade point average

4) Letters of Recommendation


When you turn 18 all you have to do is take the driving test to get your license?

Yes or no? 


You will have to take the written and the driving test to get your license


What is the average rent in Tucson Az?

49% of current Rent in Tucson is starting at $1,001-$1,500


What is the difference between a credit card and debt card?

Each lets you pay for products and services. 

When you buy something with a credit card you are borrowing money from the credit card company. The credit card company will send you a bill every month for the money you borrowed to buy things.

When you use a debit card [2], you are using money in your checking account, that you made and don't have to pay back 


What does gross pay mean? 

What does Annual Pay mean 

Gross income for an individual—also known as gross pay is whati is on your paycheck when you get paid. 

Annual pay: gross annual income is the amount of money made within a fiscal year before deductions. So how much you make in a year  


What is the difference between student loans and scholarships/Grants ? 

Scholarships are money given to a student based on specific characteristics, such as academic or athletic ability. Scholarship money never has to be paid back. 

Loans are money borrowed by a student or the student's parents. Loan money has to be paid back once a student graduates or leaves college.


Name three things you would need to buy a car

1) Drivers license

2) Insurance

3) Proof of income

4) down payment 

5) Proof of residency 


When being approved for an apartment 

what do you need to pay for, a downpayment or first months rent?



What is a credit score?

A credit score is a prediction of your credit behavior, such as how likely you are to pay a loan back on time, based on information from your credit reports.


What is the highest paying jobs in Arizona?

1) Dentist Salary range: $122,100  -  $219,900 per year 

2) Pilot Driver: Salary range: $93,200-$144,400 per year 

3) Telemedicine Nurse Practitioner: $100,600- $139-800


How much does the average college cost in Arizona?

For a four year college 

$24,681 for in-state students 

Average yearly cost between $11,410-$14,000



Names at least two brands known for being the safest cars in 2024 

1) Audi

2) Acura

3) Mazda

4) Volvo

5) Sabaru 

How often do you need to renew your application for an apartment  

A) every 3 months

B) every 6 months 

C) Every year? 

Depending on your lease agreement, its usually every year 


What number is considered a good credit score?



What is the highest paying job/Career in America?

1) Anesthesiologist: 

Average salary: $386,386
Median salary: $455,647 

2) Gastroenterologist

Average salary: $297,542
Median salary: $380,092


Name at least two different types of college degrees you can get from a college 

1) Associate degree - two year degree

2) Bachelor's degree- 4 year degree

3) Graduate Degree- BA + 2 years= 6 years 

4) Doctorate degree or PHD- 4 year degree, + 2 + = 7-10 years 


Name at least two of the most expensive car brands in a the world 

1) Rose Noire Droptrail- AED - 117.7 Million 

2) Rolls Royce 103 million 

3) Barchetta 68 Million 

4) Bugatti 59 million 

5) Mercedies 29.5 million 


Can you get help paying for a down payment and first months rent or does it all rely on you and your income?


The tribe has a program that will help you pay for the down payment and or the first months rent, but on going it will be you who pays.