New Zealand and Australia

This rodent spends most of his time on screen with Gonzo

Who is Rizzo the Rat


Thrashers? You must be talking about the professional ice hockey team based in this southern US city.

What is Atlanta?


Now that you're retired, you can become a pinball wizard, but not like this gray one prominently featured in Stern's 2003 Lord of the Rings machine

Who is Gandalf?


This two word phrase describes not origami, but valuable things like stocks and bonds

What are paper assets?


This demonym for New Zealanders isn't named after the Chinese Gooseberry, despite that also having a demonym in its name.

What is Kiwi?


Sócrates Rizzo was the mayor of Monterrey, the second largest metro area in this country

What is Mexico?


Thrashers? Oh, you mean the Ocean City, Maryland boardwalk specialty French Fries. I hear they even let you pump your own cup of this for flavor...

What is vinegar?


I'm afraid that now that you're retired, you'll not be allowed to use dumbbells anymore, but instead only 10.75 ounce cans from this company.

What is Campbell's?


I'm not talking about the hat I bought at the flea fair - I'm talking about this measure of the total value of a publicly traded company's outstanding share.

What is market cap?


Australian Koalas are cute, but unfortunately some wild populations have 100% infection rates of this STD, so please don't touch.

What is Chlamydia?


This two-time grammy nominated Rizzo has worked with Seal, Coldplay, and Alanis Morissette, and his name starts C-A-R-M... 

Who is Carmen Rizzo

Thrashers? I know - you mean the skateboarders, like Riley, who shares an avian last name with him, his more famous professional skateboarder father.

Who is Tony Hawk?


Some retirees take up birdwatching, and some start livestreaming themselves as a way to connect with others. In either case, you could call them this name.

What are twitchers? 


If Koko Inc.'s stock price is currently $50 per share, and a 2:1 stock split takes effect, this would be the new price.

What is $25?


You can count on this animal being a staple of New Zealand, even though its ratio to people fell below 5:1 for the first time in 2022, down from 22:1 in 1981.

What is sheep?


Jilly Rizzo is a famous American restaurateur who founded Jilly's Saloon in Manhattan, which was a celebrity hangout in the 1960s, especially for this The Manchurian Candidate star and one of Jilly's closest friends.

Who is Frank Sinatra

Thrashers? You mean Brown Thrashers, the state bird of Georgia, right? They're in the same family as these other birds that are famously a sin to kill.

What are Mockingbirds?


Retirement means travel, and this is the last country on the Thrasher family heritage tour, alphabetically. 

What is Wales?


If you bought $100 of Nvidia stock in 2020, you'd have about $2500 today. However, if you bought $100 of Morrison-Knudsen stock in 1992, you'd have this much now.

What is $0?


I'm for it, but from our perspective in the Northern Hemisphere, New Zealand and Australia are often referred to as the this. 

What are the Antipodes?


Betty Rizzo is likely the most famous fictional Rizzo, both on the stage and as depicted on the screen in 1978 by this actress.

Who is Stockard Channing?


Thrashers? Nice - you like thrash metal too? I particularly like BAT, or this Thrash, named for its origin in San Francisco.

What is Bay Area Thrash?


In retirement, a fun guy like you might want to take up myology, the study of this.

What is muscles, duh

We don't know if John Sturges would be happy that this name is being applied to the collection of Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, Tesla, Nvidia, and Meta stocks

What is the Magnificent Seven?


The Maori Phrase for "Thank you," or how an Italian person friendly with Karen might tell her "Now!"

What is Kia ora