
How many candles do we light before Shabbat?

What is 2?


Why do we have to eat challot?

What is One of the mitzvot (commandments) of Shabbat is to eat 3 meals during the Shabbat; in Judaism, a meal counts only if there's bread in it. For Shabbat, since it's a special day, we have special bread- the Challah.


What is the main rule of Shabbat?

What is we are not allowed to do any work or create anything new.


What do we have to do before we start our Shabbat meal on Friday?

What is say Kiddush and bless the wine, wash our hands and bless the bread.


Why do we light 2 candles?

What is the Torah commands us to do 2 different things regarding the Shabbat- to keep it and to remember it, one doesn't work without the other.


Why do we have 2 Challot for each meal?

When the people of Israel came out of Egypt and were walking in the desert, they got Manna (special food) from G-d every day. On Friday they got 2 portions, one for Friday and one for Shabbat. The 2 Challot symbolize these 2 portions.


What is the definition of work for Shabbat?

What is not lighting fire, not cutting, not moving objects from the private parameter to the public parameter, not cooking, and more.


How many times do we bless the wine on Shabbat?

What is 2 times during the Shabbat.


When do we light the candles before Shabbat?

What is 18 minutes before Shabbat. Or 40 in Jerusalem.


Why do we cover the Challot?

What is in Judaism, we must say blessing before everything we eat or drink. The one for the bread is always first, since the bread is the basic, most important food for people. So usually, we would bless the bread first and then the wine; but on Shabbat, we bless the wine first (during Kiddush). So we cover the Challot until we finish the Kiddush, and then we bless the bread and eat it.


What are the things we are not allowed to touch on Shabbat, and why?

What is electric devices, pen, money, guitar, car, and more). These objects are called "Muktse". This rule was made in order to help us avoid using these objects, so we won't have a problem with keeping the Shabbat rules.


After we wash our hands we are not allowed to speak; until when and why?

What is until we eat a piece of the bread, because the washing of the hands is connected directly to eating the bread. We don't want to break this connection by speaking in between, so we stay silent until we bless for the bread and eat a piece of it.


Why do we cover our eyes when we light the candles?

What is once we say the blessing for the candles, it means Shabbat has started for us. But since we can't light the fire on Shabbat, we light it before we say the blessing, then we cover our eyes and say the blessing, and only then can we see the fire.


Why do we have to put something under the Challot and something over the Challot?

What is to represent the 2 layers of dew that protected the food from dirt and other problems in the desert.


If I have a key and I want to take it with me on Shabbat from my room in camp to a walk in the city of Szarvas, is it ok or not? Why?

What is No. One of the rules of Shabbat is that we are not allowed to move objects from the private parameter to the public parameter.


What is the blessing we say after each meal on Shabbat, and why do we say it?

What is the Birkat Hamazon- the blessing of the food. In this blessing we thank G-d for the food he gave us which we just ate and enjoyed, and ask him to keep blessing us with food and everything we need.