Feast of St. Mary
Divinity of Christ
St. John the Beloved
Pope Dioscorus

This title refers to St. Mary as the one who gave birth to Christ, God Incarnate.

The Theotokos

Are the attributes of God unique?



What books did St. John the Beloved write?

- the Gospel of John

- three epistles bearing his name

- Book of Revelation. 


Where was St. Dioscorus born?



What kings did Daniel serve? 

Nebuchadnezzar in the Kingdom of Babylon and Darius in the Kingdom of Medo-Persia.


This is the length of the fast that precedes the Feast of St. Mary.

15 days


How is God unlimited?

Unlimited in Place

Unlimited in Time


What makes St. John the Beloved unique among Jesus' followers?

His deep, personal connection with Jesus, often seen as the closest to Him.


What is the conditions for a Redeemer? 

Human like us

He can die

Stronger than death




How did Daniel bear witness when he was in the lions den? 

After he was saved, King Darius testified before everyone that the God of Daniel is the eternal living God, and that His kingdom will not fade away 


The Feast of St. Mary is commemorated in the Coptic Church as the day when St. Mary...

Passed away and was taken up to heaven. 


What prophecies did Christ fulfill when he lived on earth?

Prophecies about His birth from a virgin

Prophecies about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ


Where did St. John the Beloved teach?

Asia Minor


What do we The Coptic Orthodox Church believe about Christs' divinity? 

- His divinity was united with His humanity without mixing, blending, or changing. Likewise, His divinity was not separated from His humanity for a single moment nor the blink of an eye. We believe in one nature of the Lord Christ, a complete human being united with complete divinity, without mixing, blending, or change.


What did Daniel and his friends ask to eat from Ashpenaz and for how long?

Daniel and the three boys asked to eat legumes, like lentils and beans, and to drink only water for 10 days. 


This city is known for the apparition of St. Mary that occurred in 1968.



What are the attributes of God?

God is unlimited

God is the Creator

God is unchangeable

God is all-knowing

God is Almighty (Pantocrator)


What emperor arrested St. John the Beloved?

Emperor Domitian

What churches rejected the council of Chalcedon? 

The other churches that rejected the Council of Chalcedon and its decisions are the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Armenian Orthodox Church, the Ethiopian Tawahedo Church, the Eritrean Tawahedo Church, and the Indian Malayalam Church. 


What happened with the Baal story? 

. The priests of Baal also agreed. They told the king that they would bring the food to Baal and close the temple’s door with the king’s seal. The next day, if the king found the food untouched, all the priests would die. But if the food was finished, Daniel would die. And so they all left, and the food was put in front of Baal. - Daniel asked his servants to bring ashes and spread them all over the ground. They locked the door with the king’s seal and everyone left. The next morning, the king came with Daniel, and when they opened the door, they found that the food was finished. The king was happy and shouted, “You are great, Baal.”  He thought that Baal actually ate the food, but Daniel laughed and asked the king to look at the ground. He saw footprints of 2 men, so they discovered that the priests of Baal had secret passages through which they could enter the place and eat the food.  Thus, the people would think that Baal was the one eating the food. The king arrested the priests and handed the statue of Baal over to Daniel,


In the Church Tradition, St. Mary is likened to this item found in the Holy of Holies.

The Ark of the Covenant


What authority did Jesus have while on earth?

1) His authority over nature - miracle of walking on the water 

2) His authority over plants - miracle of the Fig Tree 

3) His authority over animals - miracle of catching abundant fish 

4) His authority over demons - miracle of casting out unclean spirits 

5) His authority over substances - miracle of turning water to wine at Cana of Galilee 

6) His authority over angels - angels came and ministered to Jesus after the temptation on the mount 

7) His authority over mankind - miracles of raising the dead


How was St. John one of the closest disciples?

1- He was the only one who was with the Lord Christ during his trial and until His death on the cross. 

2- He also went to confirm the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus with Saint Peter early at dawn on Resurrection Sunday. 

3- He was the only one of the disciples who was able to recognize Jesus Christ during His appearance after the Resurrection


Who was created the heresies during Pope Dioscorus' rule and what council got rid of them? 

Leo, the bishop of Rome

Council of Chalcedon


What did Nebuchadnezzar's dream mean?

After telling the king his dream, Daniel explained it to him. His interpretation of the dream was that the parts of the statue symbolized kingdoms that would rule the world, one kingdom after another. The big stone symbolized the kingdom of Our Lord, which would reign forever.