
this athelete won a bronze medal for Singapore in the recent 2024 paris Olympics in kite foiling

what is max maeder


This classical composer, famous for his symphonies and sonatas, is often associated with the Classical period and is known for works like "Symphony No. 5" and "Fur Elise."

Who is Ludwig van Beethoven?


This show features the lives of a family in the fictional town of Springfield.

what is the Simpson


The capital of France, known for its Eiffel Tower and rich history in art and culture.

what is paris


In this sport, teams aim to score goals by hitting a puck into the opponent’s net.

what is hocky 


This musical term describes a repeated section of a song that is typically catchy and is often used to convey the main message of the song.

what is a chorus


This cooking competition features amateur chefs competing in various culinary challenges, judged by renowned chefs.

what is masterchief


This country is known as the "Land of the Rising Sun" and is an island nation in East Asia

what is japan


This American swimmer won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, setting a record for the most gold medals won in a single Olympic Games.

Who is Michael Phelps?


This term refers to a musical composition for a single performer and is often used to showcase technical skill. Examples include piano and violin pieces.

what is a solo


This 1990s sitcom, set in New York, follows a group of friends including Ross, Rachel, and Chandler.

what is friends


This continent is known for having the largest desert in the world, the Sahara.

what is africa


This sport, introduced to the Olympics in 1984, involves athletes competing in events like the javelin throw, high jump, and 1500 meters, all within a two-day period.

what is a heptathlon


This genre of music, characterized by its improvisational style and use of brass instruments,

what is jazz


This show features the fictional setting of the city of Hill Valley, where time travel plays a major role in the plot.

What is Back to the Future


This river is the longest in the world and flows through countries such as Egypt, Sudan, and Uganda.

what is the nile


This country won the most medals in the Winter Olympics of 2018, held in Pyeongchang.

what is norway


This type of classical music is often performed by an orchestra and is divided into movements

what is a movement 


This show is set in a dystopian future where humans are ruled by robots, and focuses on the conflict between the resistance and the robot overlords.

What is Battlestar Galactica


This country is bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south and is known for its diverse climate and landscape.

what is the united states