How many times does Abouna dunk the person in the water during baptism?
3 times
How old was St. Abanoub when he became a martyr?
What is the name of the feast that we celebrated this past Thursday, August 22nd?
Feast of St. Mary
How many times does Abouna anoint the baptized person or baby with the Holy Myron?
36 times
What helped St. Paul the Hermit bury the body of St. Anthony?
What is the name of the 2 saints we celebrate during the Feast of the Apostles?
St. Peter and St. Paul
What is the name of the sacrament where we go to Abouna when we do something wrong?
Repentance and Confession
What is the name of the angel that appear to St. Abanoub to heal him?
Archangel Michael
What is the name of the feast when we celebrate baby Jesus, St. Mary and St. Joseph when to Egypt?
Feast of the Entry of Egypt
What is the name of the sacrament that will help us heal when we are sick?
Unction of the Sick
What animal visited St. Paul the Hermit every day and what did it give him?
Raven, 1/2 loaf of bread
How many disciples were in the room when Jesus appeared to them on Resurrection day?
11 Disciples
Name the 7 Sacraments
Baptism, Chrismation, Communion, Repentance, Priesthood, Marriage, Unction of the Sick
How many epistles did St. Peter write and what are the names?
2, 1st Peter and 2nd Peter
How many minor and major feasts do we have in the church?
7 minor, and 7 major