The Book of Mormon
Old Testament/New Testament
Modern-day Prophets
Church History
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The person is mentioned or referred to 3,925 time throughout the BOM, averaging every 1.7 verses

Who is Jesus Christ


The shortest verse in all of scripture states 

Was it "Jesus wept"?


This modern-day prophet is often referred to as the "American Moses" due to his pioneering of saints to the Salt Lake Valley. He also served as president of the church the longest

Who is Brigham Young

In this year The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was formally organized

Was it 1830?


In this year the church's membership grew from it's initial membership numbers to 1 million, a duration of 117 years

Was it 1947?


This prophet suffered death by fire for his beliefs and during his ministry converted but one person to the gospel

Who is Abinadi

This prophet was a forerunner to Christ's ministry, later baptizing Jesus Christ, who was also his cousin

Who is John the Baptist?


This prophet dedicated 77 temples, more than any other church president

Who is Gordon B. Hinckley?


The testimony of the 3 witnesses

Who is Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris?


There are this many books in The Book of Mormon

Is there 15


This was the initial number of members at the formation of the church

Was it 6?


These two people, before they were members of the original 12 apostles, were disciples of John the Baptist

Who is John and Andrew?


In this city The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was formed

Was it Fayette, New York?


In this foreign language was The Book of Mormon first translated in 1851

Was it Danish?


This verse of scripture states that if ye shall sincerely desire and ask God the Eternal Father if the BOM is true ye shall know by the power of the Holy Ghost that it is true

Is it Moroni 10:3-5?


On this "day of creation" were the fish and the birds created

Was it the 5th day?