Brothers in the White House
Brother Entertainers
Brother Potpourri
Brother Athletes
Brothers in Business

This Ohio Brother joined and was raised during the Civil War in Ohio.

Glad he wasn't busy eating lasagna 

James Garfield


This Brother died from cancer in 1980.

The magnificent Seven, The Cincinnati Kid & Bullitt were a few of his movies

Steve McQueen


He went second.

I wonder if his step was as small.

Brother Buzz Aldrin 

Initiated into Freemasonry at Oak Park Lodge No. 864 in Alabama and raised at Lawrence N. Greenleaf Lodge, No. 169 in Colorado. He is also a member of York Rite and Arabia Shrine Temple of Houston.


He won 2 Super Bowls and was the MVP once. Was elected the Hall of Fame in 2004 but was sacked the second most in history.

I guess he knew the way.

John Elway


He held a number of jobs in his early life, such as steam engine stoker, insurance salesman, and filling station operator.

People are still trying to figure out his secret recipe. 

Colonel Harland David Sanders


This New York Brother was initiated on Jan 2, 1901 and raised on April 24, 1901.

He walked Ms. Roosevelt down the isle to marry Mr. Roosevelt his 5th cousin and her 5th cousin once removed.

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt were fifth cousins. Eleanor Roosevelt was Theodore’s niece. And Uncle Theodore presented the bride at Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt’s wedding.


Big movie break came as "the Ringo Kid" in the classic film Stagecoach.

You better believe it pilgrim. 

John Wayne


Was born in Frederick County Virginia but traveled far and wide. Was a statesman, explorer and writer.

We still don't know if he killed the bear.

Davy Crockett


A Canadian-American physical educator, physician, Christian chaplain, and sports coach. Invited a new game after teaching kids to play "Duck On A Rock"

James Naismith

Duck on a rock  a medieval game in which a person guards a large drake stone from opposing players, who try to knock it down by throwing smaller stones at it. To play duck on a rock most effectively, Naismith soon found that a soft lobbing shot was far more effective than a straight hard throw, a thought that later proved essential for the invention of basketball 


Ran companies such as Buick, which when he left was paid $176 million in todays money for his stock. Then ran Willys-Overland Motor before buying Maxwell Motor Company.

Walter Chrysler

Maxwell Motor Company would become Chrysler Corporation in 1925.


This brother was Grand Master of Tennessee for 2 years and then President 5 years later.

5 + 2 = 7

Andrew Jackson

Elected Grand Master of Tennessee on October 7, 1822, and served until October 4, 1824. Was President March 4, 1829 - March 4, 1837

He was the 7th President


He registered for the Selective Service in 1918 with the middle name of "Handcuff"

Harry Houdini

Real name was Erik Weisz but had no middle name.


He wrote science fiction and fantasy books including stories about "Professor Challenger" and "Brigadier Gerard."

It's elementary after all. 

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


He is fifth on the PGA Tour's all-time victory list, trailing only Sam Snead, Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus and Ben Hogan

I prefer mine with unsweet tea

Arnold Palmer


He started as a cook and worked for the Colonel. in less than twenty years he had worked his way up to running 4 restaurants and being able to sell his shares for $1.5 million back to the Colonel.

Dave Thomas


This Brother took 9 years between initiation and raising. 

I guess it was "hard" for him.

Warren G Harding

Initiated on June 28, 1901, in Marion Lodge No. 70, Marion, Ohio. Raised on August 27, 1920 in that Lodge.


William Faulkner calling him "the father of American literature." 

He was born shortly after an appearance of Halley's Comet, and predicted that his death would accompany it as well, dying a day after the comet was at its closest to Earth

Mark Twain


Although little of his Masonic record is known, did wear a square and compass pin during his famous flight, and he plane was adorned with a Masonic emblem.

Charles Lindbergh


Many of his fights set financial and attendance records, including the first million-dollar gate. He pioneered the live broadcast of sporting events in general, and boxing matches in particular.

Jack Dempsey

First million dollar gate was 7/2/1921 vs Georges Carpentier a frenchman. Also, first fight carried live on the radio.


In 1898, he was working for a small chain of stores called the Golden Rule stores. In 1902, the owners impressed by his work ethic and salesmanship, offered him a one-third partnership in a new store . By 1912 he owned 34 stores. He trained Sam Walton.

J. C. Penny

In 1940, during a visit to a store in Des Moines, Iowa, he trained a young Sam Walton on how to wrap packages with a minimal amount of paper and ribbon  


This brother was raised on May 18 1951 in Washington DC. 

I wonder what kind of car her rode there in.

Gerald Ford


Wrote over 800 pieces of music even though he died at 35.

He did it on his own no gang needed

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


This Scotsman soldier and doctor discovered something that most in the field laughed at. It wasn't until years later as he was about to retire that he was taken seriously and possibly saved the world. 

Sir Alexander Fleming

The discoverer of Penicillin just before WW2 in time for it to be used on the battle fields saving untold soldiers. 


His older brother, Albert, who had a brief major league career himself, is often credited with getting him his first tryout. Butts persuaded his manager to take a look at his younger brother. He trained to be a barber before becoming successful in baseball.

Honus Wagner


He started his company in Sonoma California in 1953 after converting a hardware store to sell French cookware.

Charles Edward Williams  
