Social Media, The Self, & Society
Artificial Intelligence
Key Theories of Communication
Dangers of Social Media
Using Social Media Effectively

What does AR stand for?

Augmented Reality


What can be the results of misusing Artificial Intelligence?

Damaged reputation, Security risks, AI terrorism. (refer page 295) 


What is the medium?

The medium is the message (Pg 311)


What are some examples of the dangers of social media?

Privacy concerns, recording impulsive behaviour, … (pg 306)


What are the advantages of using social media?

Connecting with friends & family, networking, entertainment etc.


What are ways social media has impacted how we interact with one another?

How we behave, relate to others, and perceive ourselves (pg 296)


When can Artificial Intelligence be used as a tool?

Used as an assistant, a way to display your own thoughts. (refer page 277) 


What are Harold Innis’ two types of media?

Time-binding media and Space-binding media (pg 310)


What are some ways you can protect yourself?

Think twice before posting, be cautious of people taking a video/picture, evaluate intentions (pg 307)  


What is the second major advantage that social media confers?


When you “friended” someone this person felt affinity towards you. (do you agree or disagree) (pg 305)


What is the difference between social media and traditional mass media?

Social media can be a two-way communication while traditional media is a ‘passive engagement’. (pg 299)


What could Artificial Intelligence do to change our global Economy?

Reduce the cost of sharing/viewing media (refer page 300)


What are Marshall McLuhan’s two types of theories

The medium is the message & The tetrad (pg 311)


What is cultural Idiom, "police" mean?"

 To regulate or protect (pg 307)


What is a third major advantage that social media gives?

the possibility about learning more about your friends by having a glimpse into their lives (pg.305)


What are you, as a person responsible for, to maintain a good standing image on social media?

respect others, and their boundaries, keep private business private. (refer page 276)


What does web 3.0 change with the internet and how we use it today?

the idea of web 3.0 is to have machines communicate to us through the use of the internet. (refer page 304)


What are the four questions that help to understand new media?

  1. What does the medium make?

  2. What does it replace? 

  3. What does it bring back?

  4. What does it lead to when used too much?


What is cyberbullying?

term used to describe any form of bullying behavior that takes place online.


What does the textbook state about all the advantages and what it allows you to build?

build a profile of your friends in your mind. It is as if you are in constant ongoing conversation. (Do you agree that this is a positive statement?)


When was the first social media platform created and what was it called?

1997, SixDegrees


What could Artificial Intelligence take away from humans that make us unique?

the authenticity of media like music, games, artwork. (refer page 295)


What are the 4 main flow theories

1. Bullet Theory

2. Two-step flow theory

3. Multi-Step flow theory 

4. Social learning theory (pg 313)


What is the main truth to remember about social media?

Social media is permanent. (pg 306)


What did McLuhan famously state  the greatest skill in the digital age is?

pattern recognition. You must remember you are establishing a pattern of online digital behaviour (pg. 305)