Classroom Expectation
Classroom Procedures
Classroom Policies
Grading System

What does "Be Prepared to Lean" mean?

Bring all necessary materials to class: Charged Chromebook, notebook, and sharpened pencils.


What should you do if you don’t finish your classwork during class time?

It becomes homework and must be completed before the next class.


Are students allowed to sit wherever they want?

No, students must sit according to the seating chart.


What percentage of your grade is based on Classwork and Participation?



What is the first consequence for not meeting expectations?

Verbal or visual warning.


What should you do to "Follow Directions the First Time"?

Listen carefully and follow instructions immediately, especially important for safety in science class.


How should papers in the class be turned in?

Pass it to the person next you 


What should students do with their phones upon entering the classroom?

Phones should go in the pocket chart at the front of the classroom.


What activities are included in "Classwork and Participation"?

Making observations, asking questions, reading articles, listening to/making presentations, gathering information, keeping track of data, etc.


What might happen if a student continues not to meet expectations after a warning?

After-class, during-lunch, or after-school meeting with Mrs. Kamdar and possibly a call home.


Describe what it means to "Respect Everyone and Everything."

Be kind to others, use polite language, listen when others speak, and take care of classroom materials and tools.


Describe the proper procedure for "Entering the Classroom."

Line up by the hooks outside, wait to be greeted by Mrs. Kamdar, then enter the class silently.


Can students wear hats, beanies, or hoods in the classroom?

No, hats, beanies, do-rags, or hoods are not allowed in the classroom.


What percentage of your grade is based on Performance Expectation Assessments/Tests?



What is the consequence for repeatedly failing to meet expectations after a call home?

After-class, during-lunch, or after-school meeting with Mrs. Kamdar, a call home, and referral to the Principal.


What does it mean to "Stay focused and participate actively"?

Pay attention to lessons, avoid distractions, and join in class discussions and activities.


What are the quiet signs used by Mrs. Kamdar

Count down and clapping


What is the policy on food and drinks in the classroom?

No food or drinks (except water in a bottle) are allowed inside the classroom.


Name one of the key skills assessed under Classwork and Participation.

Identifying and explaining patterns, summarizing concepts, or writing arguments.


Name one positive consequence of meeting or exceeding expectations.

The joy of learning, verbal praise, or receiving Edventure Tickets.


Give an example of "Taking Responsibility for Your Actions."

Owning up to your behavior, whether good or bad, learning from mistakes, and striving to improve.


What are your options if you finish classwork early?

Check your work, then either sit silently and wait for further instructions or take out your book and read silently.


What happens if a student is caught cheating?

The student will receive a zero on that assignment, may need to attend homework center, and a phone call home will be made.


Explain why participation is essential in Mrs. Kamdar's class.

Participation helps students engage with the material, develop understanding, and contribute to a collaborative learning environment.


What is a consequence for being caught with a phone not placed in the pocket chart?

The phone will be left in the office for parents to pick up.