Key Figures
Key Events
Revolutionary Acts
A bit of everything

This person was the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.

Who is George Washington


The American Revolution officially began with this 1775 battle, referred to as the “shot heard ‘round the world.”

What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord?


This was the main tax imposed by Britain that angered colonists and led to cries of "No taxation without representation."

What is the Sugar Act?


Form of government in which power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote

What is a republic?


This European country was the most important ally of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War.

What is France?


This author of the pamphlet Common Sense called for American independence from Britain.

Who is Thomas Paine?


This 1773 act of protest involved colonists dumping tea into Boston Harbor.

The Boston Tea Party


The First Continental Congress met in 1774 in response to this series of punitive measures by the British.

 What are the Intolerable Acts?


After the war began, _____________, freedom from enslavement, became a major issue.

What is emancipation?


This French aristocrat volunteered to fight for the American cause and became a trusted advisor to George Washington.

Who is Marquis de Lafayette?


The 3 who negotiated the Treaty of Paris in 1783, ending the Revolutionary War.

Who were Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay?


This 1777 battle was a turning point in the war, leading to French support for the American cause.

What is the Battle of Saratoga?


This 1765 law required colonists to house British soldiers.

What is the Quartering Act?


Painter who served in the Continental Army as an aid to Washington.

Who is John Trumbull?


Also known as "Swamp Fox", this man was famous for his tactics in hit and run raids?

Who was Frances Marion?


This man proved to be a traitor to the American Forces when he sold military strategies and supplies to British Forces. 

Who is Benedict Arnold?


Mountain men and Southern farmers  began organizing their own forces after this major battle

What is the Battle of King Mountain?


The second meeting of this group, held in 1775, ultimately declared American independence.

What is the Second Continental Congress?


This woman argued that women were as intelligent as men but lacked the education needed to achieve more in life. 

Who is Judith Sargent Murray? 


Two British officers who were known for their brutality during battle. 

Who is Banastre Tarleton and Patrick Ferguson? 


Who said "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country"? 

Who is Nathan Hale?


This British general surrendered to George Washington at the Siege of Yorktown.

Who is General Cornwallis?


This treaty signed in 1783 officially ended the American Revolution.

What is the Treaty of Paris?


The first state university in the nation, established in 1795

What is the University of North Carolina?


After lashing his ship to a protected merchant ship, he declared that "I have not yet begun to fight."

Who is John Paul Jones?