Bill Smith
Tom Barron
Beth Corum
Red, White & Blue

You see potential in a teller and you show them how to find open positions on Net Interest and guide them on how to approach a hiring manager in the best light.

What is "Grow A Career Here"?


You stop at the grocery store after work and still have your nametag on.  You decide that you don't want an item in your grocery cart so you walk back to the correct shelf and put it where you found it. 

What is represent the Star Proudly?


When you encourage your teams to join you at an event where Capital City Bank has set up a booth or sponsorship.

What is Be Committed to Community?


When you are driving in your CCB branded car and come to a stop in the middle of the interstate.  Instead of getting frustrated and honking you say a word of thanks that it is not you pulled over with the car trouble.

What is Representing the Star Proudly?


You deliver a disciplinary memo to an associate and take the time to ensure they receive it as a growth opportunity and a window of opportunity to demonstrate character.

What is "Grow A Career Here"?


When you open the door for others and say thank you when someone opens it for you.

What is Do the Right Thing?


When you buy a coffee for the person behind your CCB Branded car when in line at a coffee drive thru.

What is Represent the Star Proudly?


You attend a high school sporting event after work and have your Capital City Bank T-Shirt on.   You behave with respect and sportsmanship throughout the event. 

What is "Represent the Star Proudly"?


You wear your Capital City Bank T-Shirt to a local 5K that is raising funds for cancer awareness. 

What is "Represent The Star Proudly"?


When you coach your teams to greet everyone who walks in the lobby and call our clients by their name.

What is Build Relationships and Loyalty?


You find a wallet in a restaurant booth and give it to the manager to return to its owner. 

What is "Do The Right Thing"?


You think about what you say, how you say it and then you say it with kindness when you speak with associates, clients or any other humans. 

What is "Do the Right Thing"?


When your cashier counted incorrectly and gave you too much change and you gave it back to them so their drawer balances at the end of their shift. 

What is Build Relationships and Loyalty?


When you don't use the handicap restroom stall when other stalls are available.  

What is Embrace Individuality and Value Others


You witness a car accident, are on the way to a meeting that starts in 5 minutes, you stop to assist or tell the police what you saw. 

What is "Do The Right Thing"


When you step back from a situation and offer guidance and mentorship on how to handle a challenge to your associate so they can now resolve it. 

What is Grow a Career Here?


When you say a word of thanks that you don’t need the handicap parking spot when you see someone who does park in it and they get out of their vehicle and walk without a visible disability.  

What is Embrace Individuality and Value Others?


A CXM contacted you and said that an elderly client came to the bank requesting to wire transfer most of their savings to an unknown recipient.   You advised them to not place the wire and to tell the client that the bank had some concerns about their financial safetly. 

What is " Build Relationships and Loyalty"?


Your peer shares some personal information with you that others would find salacious.   You console your peer and do not repeat their story to others.

What is "Build Relationships and Loyalty"?


When you are tempted to push the grocery cart off to the side in the parking lot but put it back in the corral where it belongs instead. 

What is Do The Right Thing?


When you are waiting in line and the person in front of you has two tattoo sleeves and an eyebrow piercing. They offer for you to go first since you have less items to purchase and you realize how kind and articulate they are.

What is Embrace Individuality and Value Others?


A hurricane has hit within the CCB footprint.  You answer hotline calls that provide services for people who were affected.  

What is "Be Committed to the Community"?


When you open the door to allow a neighbor child fundraising experience by listening to them explain his/her cause even if you don’t want to buy what they are selling.  And then give them a few bucks to help their cause without taking the merch.   

What is Be Committed to Community?

When you refrain from laughing when your 23 year old associate declares he wants to be the next CEO of Capital City Bank and, instead, you help him with appropriate next steps towards learning more about banking. 

What is Grow A Career Here?


A client enters the bank with an impressive mohawk complimented with a nose ring.   You greet them with a smile and ask them how you can help them today.  

What is "Embrace Individuality and Value Others?"