The form created for who is coded with a special education code?
What is IPP?
The acronym used for your staff card
What is ID
The acronym for our new active living curriculum
What is PEW or Physical Education and Wellbeing
Name given to teachers who also do admin work
What is LL or Learning Leader
The real title for AFRS
What is the Assessment of Foundational Reading Skills.
Identifier of students who don't speak English
What is EAL or English as Additional Language
Name of literacy curriculum
What is ELAL or English Language Arts and Literature
Learning done by staff on no kid days
What is PD or professional development
The acronym for the rules outlined by CBE for students, staff and parents.
What is AR - Administrative Regulation
When we have to give up old technology
What is TEP or technology evergreen program
Acronym for meeting related to a specific student's learning needs or future supports required
What is SLT or Student Learning Team?
Where you register your absence
What is SFE or Smartfind Express
The document title for our 3 year school goals
What is SDP or School Development Plan
The name of the budget we have to submit each spring
Where you register for CBE professional development
What is EAMS or the Event Attendee Management System
Acronym for Rapid Automatized Naming
What is RAN
Who you submit your form to when you are injured at work
WCB or Workers Compensation Board
Title of team who supports students with varying sexual orientations
What is SOGI or Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Team
What we are accountable for and is reported to the trustees
What is the acronym used to identify Indigenous students in our system?
What is FNMI
Name of the student fee for pencils, erasers etc
What is ISM or Instructional Supplies and Materials
Continuum of supports model
What is RTI or Response to Intervention
Private information that is requested to be made public
What is FOIP or Freedom of Information and Privacy
The rules we must adhere to when writing email signatures, creating letterhead etc
What is VIS or Visual Identity Standards