ما هو الفاعل في الجملة : يلعب الولد في الحديقة؟
I like to ______ my bike.
a) ride
b) eat
c) sleep
a) ride
What is the name of the planet we live on?
If you have 10 eggs and break 2, how many eggs are left?
Answer: 10 (you still have 10 eggs; 2 are just broken)
ما إعراب :الكتاب مفيد
المبتدأ هو "الكتاب" والخبر هو "مفيد".
My favorite animal is a ______.
a) lion
b) book
c) green
a) lion
What is a rock made of?
If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five?
Answer: Nine
في الجملة: أعطى المعلم الطلاب دروسا. ما في المفعول به؟
We must ______ our hands before eating.
a) wash
b) run
c) red
a) wash
What is soil?
Top ground layer.
There are 7 cows. All but 3 leave. How many are left?
Answer: 3
ما إعراب :العصفور فوق الشجرة؟
"فوق الشجرة": شبه جملة (جار ومجرور) يتعلق بالفاعل "العصفور"، وهو خبر.
Question: What insect is this?
Name any shapes of the moon?
Crescent, half moon, and full moon.
A car leaves one city at 8 AM, and another car leaves a different city at 9 AM. When will they meet if they are driving toward each other?
Answer: Later in the day (specific time depends on speeds, but this keeps it simple)