Alphabetical Order
Context Clues
Parts of a Story
Main Idea

Which word comes second in alphabetical order? a. came b. friend c. have

B. Friend


What is the adjective in this sentence? The frog is green.



We all wanted to visit Grandfather. Mother, Father, and I got in the car. We ____________ to grandfather's house. We had a good time with him all afternoon. a. ran b. drove c. crossed

b. drove


The person who writes the story and the person who draws the pictures for the story.

 author and the illustrator.


The crop that gives the most food to humans and animals in the United States is corn. Most of the corn grown is for use as animal feed. The farmers of the United States produce about one half of all the corn grown in the world. What is the main idea? a. Corn is grown as feed for humans and animals. b. Corn is grown all over the world. c. Corn is important as it is used for many things.

a. Corn is grown as feed for humans and animals.


Which word comes second in alphabetical order? a. game b. great c. guess

b. great


What is the adjective in this sentence? Look! A huge dinosaur!



There are so many people in the city who sell things. Some merchants sell food. Some sell cloths. I like the merchants who sell toys best. What is a merchant? a. people who sell things b. people who buy things c. people who throw things

a. people who sell things


The time and the place of the story.

What is the setting.


One of the most welcome sights in the desert is the cactus. The cactus is a plant that can store large amounts of water. It has a thick, tough skin to keep the water in. There are many kinds of cacti. Some grow as tall as 50 feet. What is the main idea? a. The cactus grows in most parts of the world. b. The cactus is a beautiful-looking plant. c. The cactus is designed for storing water.

c. The cactus is designed for storing water.


Which word comes third in alphabetical order? a. friend b. fish c. family

A. Friend


What is the adjective in this sentence? My dog is so fluffy.



I raced with my friend. We started together. We both ran very fast. This time she _____________ first. I said, "you win!" a. began b. fell c. finished

c. finished


The message that is in the story or what the story is about.

What is the theme.


There are about 2,000 kinds of bats. They come in many sizes. bats are rather strange looking animals. They are soft and furry with large ears. Bats can not run or walk. They usually eat insects. Bats are the only mammals that fly. What is the main idea? a. Bats are unusual mammals. b. Bats move by running and flying. c. Bats look like many other animals.

a. Bats are unusual mammals.


Which word comes last in alphabetical order? a. would b. wood c. where d. won't

a. would


What is the adjective in this sentence? I saw a long, black limo yesterday.

long, black


The police officer held her hand out. The cars halted. The children crossed the street. Then the police officer waved her hand. All the cars started to move again. What does the word halted mean? a. started b. stopped c. moved quickly

b. stopped


The people or animals that act out the story.

Who are the characters.


Cats are popular house pets. Cats come in a variety of colors. Some cats have long hair and some have short hair. There are cats that have no tails. Cats can have eyes of many different colors. A cat can be solid color, more than one color, or striped. What is the main idea? a. Cats make the best house pet. b. Cats are very similar. c. There is much variety in the cat family.

c. There is much variety in the cat family.


Which word come first in alphabetical order? a. dog b. cat c. banana

a. banana


What is the adjective in this sentence? The cake smells delicious!



I am in a hurry in the morning. I eat a small breakfast. I am busy at lunchtime. I do not eat much. I am hungry at night. I eat a big __________. a. breakfast b. dinner c. lunch

b. dinner]


The events that unfold during the story.



Chocolate is a popular food. Today we think of it mainly as a candy. Years ago, it started out as a drink. All chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree. There are many steps to follow in turning cacao beans into the kind of chocolate we eat. What is the main idea? a. Making chocolate is a long process. b. Chocolate is high in vitamins. c. Chocolate has few uses.

a. Making chocolate is a long process.