Complete or Incomplete?
Challenge Category

1. Which half of this sentence is a complete thought: "I bought oranges, and strawberries."

What is: "The first half"?


6. What's the FANBOYS in this sentence: "I wouldn’t go to school, so I would be able to keep the secret more easily."

What is: "so"?


11. How many SWABIs are in this sentence: "If I was a superhero, my suit would be my favorite color orange because it is the best color."

What is "2"?


16. Correct this sentence: "Since I would wear those colors I would have a black cape or, a white cape."

What is: "Since I would wear those colors, I would have a black cape or a white cape."


2. Which half of this sentence is a complete thought: "I would have a silver met-gala type mask, and I would have a tailored cowboy hat.

What is "both halves"?


7. Does this sentence use its FANBOYS correctly: "I could use a pair of white sneakers to have more agility, or I could use a pair of black boots to contrast the costume."

What is: "Yes"?


12. Correct this sentence: "I would also wear combat boots, since I will need to run on rooftops and buildings."

What is: "I would also wear combat boots since I will need to run on rooftops and buildings."


17. Correct this sentence: "Since my costume has a black parka, it would be way comfortable and I wouldn't have to worry whether my costume looks too tight."

What is: "Since my costume has a black parka, it would be way comfortable, and I wouldn't have to worry whether my costume looks too tight."


3. Which half of this sentence is a complete thought: "This costume overall is really cool, and might be the best costume ever." ?

What is "the first half"?


8. Correct this sentence: "If I was a superhero, I would wear pink and yellow because they're my favorite colors and they're cute together."

What is: "If I was a superhero, I would wear pink and yellow because they're my favorite colors, and they're cute together."


13. Correct these sentences: "If I was a superhero I would wear a white and red costume. Because I'm Steelman I would add a steel ingot to the front of my costume."

What is: "If I was a superhero, I would wear a white and red costume. Because I'm Steelman, I would add a steel ingot to the front of my costume."


18. Correct this sentence: "If I was a superhero I would probably wear a dark outfit, and a dark cape to match.

What is: "If I was a superhero, I would probably wear a dark outfit and a dark cape to match."?


4. Is this comma being used correctly: "I didn't know whether my mom, or my dad would pick me up."

What is: "No"?


9. Correct these sentences: "If I were a superhero, I could just stay home and play games. But then my grades would drop."

What is: "If I were a superhero, I could just stay home and play games, but then my grades would drop."


14. How many SWABIs do you see in this sentence: "If I were a superhero, I would wear an invisible suit because I think it will look cool, and since people can't see me, I could not go to school."

What is "3"?


19. How many complete thoughts are in this sentence: "Basically, the costume should represent your superpower, but since I don't know what my superpower is, I'm just going to design it according to my preferences."

What is: "3"?


5. Is "and" being used as a FANBOYS in this sentence: "I didn't think I would get to see Beyonce, Shakira, and Taylor Swift."

What is: "No"?


10. Correct this sentence: "I don't know if I want to go to the store, the arcade, or the gym but my mom said we should go to the store so I guess that's where we'll go."

What is:  "I don't know if I want to go to the store, the arcade, or the gym, but my mom said we should go to the store, so I guess that's where we'll go."


15. Rewrite this sentence so that there are two sentences: "If I were a superhero, I would wear an invisible suit because I think it will look cool, and since people can't see me, I could not go to school."

What is: "If I were a superhero, I would wear an invisible suit because I think it will look cool. Since people can't see me, I could not go to school."


20. Correct this sentence: "The symbol I would have could be like a key with a small hat on it, because I think it's cool and it's sort of weird."

What is: "The symbol I would have could be like a key with a small hat on it because I think it's cool, and it's sort of weird."?