WIOA by the Numbers
Referrals in HC
One-Stop Operations
Brought to you by Equus
Eligibility and Intake

The year that WIOA was signed into law.

When is 2014?


This partner assists participants with job searches, resume creation, and various additional individualized services, while serving as the primary face of the American Job Center.

Who is Employment Services?


This person is the best, most handsome One-Stop Operator in Hudson County.

Who is William Holt?


The two funding streams that Equus works with to enroll into training services

What are Adult and Dislocated Workers?


A _________ is when a participant is terminated or laid off from employment

What is a dislocated worker?


This body sets the limit for Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) at $4000 per participant.

What is the Workforce Development Board?


Any participants within the age range of 14-24 can be referred to this organization.

What is Hudson County Schools of Technology?

The full name that WIOA is an acronym for.

What is Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?


Equus was awarded the Adult/Dislocated program starting on this date.

When is April 1, 2023?


__________ is the process of collecting information to support a determination of eligibility.

What is Registration?


Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs are authorized under this within WIOA.

What is Title I?


The Veteran's Representatives in NJDOL

Who are Marimer and Rasheed?


The One-Stop Operator is the intermediary between and amongst these two groups/

What are the partners and the Workforce Development Board?


__________ is the strategy that must be developed for each participant in need of training services

What is the Individual Employment Plan?


__________ help remove any additional barriers jobseekers may have to employment and may include bus passes, housing assistance, or childcare provided by the participating program.

What are supportive services?


Meaningful Access falls into this many categories for partners within the American Job Center. 

What is 3? 


The leader of the Title II Adult Education Consortium. 

Who is the Union City Board of Education?


The Three services that must be available at each comprehensive American Job Center

What are Basic Career Services, Individualized Career Services and Follow up Services?


All male US citizen living in US born on or before __________ must be registered with Selective Service to benefit from federal programs.

What is January 1, 1960?


Priority of service is given to __________ ,__________ ,and  __________.

What are Low income, Basic Skills, Public Assistance, Veteran? (Only need to name 3)


This President signed the first iteration of a federal act creating employment public services, the Wagner-Peyser Act, almost 100 years before WIOA.

Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


This organization has a Career Technical Education Post-Secondary program, in addition to having multiple courses on the ETPL.

What is the Hudson County Community College?


Meaningful access in the American Job Center means this.

What is Co-Location, Access via Technology, and Cross-Training?


Equus is a 1973 play by Peter Shaffer, about a child psychiatrist who attempts to treat a young man who has a pathological religious fascination with __________. 

What are horses?


An Individual Employment Plan must provide this information

What is:
a. Identify career goals  
b. career pathway to attain employment objective  
c. information on eligible providers of training ?