Grammar 1
Grammar 2

Question: Rewrite the sentence in the passive voice: "The chef cooked a delicious meal."

Answer: A delicious meal was cooked by the chef.


Transform the sentence: "The artist has painted the walls and the ceiling."

Answer: The walls and the ceiling have been painted by the artist.


What is the name of the organization that originally controlled the Winter Soldier?



Question: Transform this sentence to passive voice: "People have spoken highly of her work."

Answer: Her work has been spoken highly of by people.


Question: In passive voice, how would you say: "They should have offered her the position"?

Answer: She should have been offered the position. / The position should have been offered to her.


What material is Captain America's shield made of?



Convert the sentence to passive voice: "The manager will give the employees a bonus."

The employees will be given a bonus by the manager. / A bonus will be given to the employees by the manager.


Question: Rewrite the sentence with two objects in passive voice: "The company sent the customers a letter of apology."

Answer: The customers were sent a letter of apology by the company. / A letter of apology was sent to the customers by the company.


In "Doctor Strange," what is the name of the artifact that contains the Time Stone?

The Eye of Agamotto.


Rewrite the sentence in passive voice: "They were discussing the new policy at the meeting."

The new policy was being discussed at the meeting.


Convert the sentence to passive voice: "Someone must have given him the wrong information."

Answer: He must have been given the wrong information. / The wrong information must have been given to him.


In "Black Panther," what is the name of the heart-shaped herb that gives the Black Panther his powers?

Answer: The Heart-Shaped Herb.


Change the sentence to passive voice: "The professor is going to show the students the experiment."

Answer: The students are going to be shown the experiment by the professor. / The experiment is going to be shown to the students by the professor.


Question: Rewrite in passive voice: "The teacher will explain the rules to the students."

Answer: The students will be explained the rules by the teacher. / The rules will be explained to the students by the teacher.


What is the full name of the government act that requires superheroes to register their identities and powers, leading to the events of "Captain America: Civil War"?

Answer: The Sokovia Accords.