Women Engineers
Lancer History
Bible Knowledge

This 2016 drama, tells the incredible story of three African-American women mathematicians, who worked as human-computers for NASA.

What is Hidden Figures?

Before CBU was officially called a university, it was called this.

What is California Baptist College? (CBC)


In the beginning, this was the day that God took to rest and admire His creation.

What is the seventh day?


Followed by industrial engineering, this field, (which is offered at CBU!) has the highest percentage of women, as of 2022.

what is chemical engineering?


This year was the year that the Peanuts comic strip was published, and when CBU was founded.

What is 1950?

Often noted as the "Father of the Human Race", Abraham was the actual father to this many.

What is 8?


Born in 1883, she was the first woman employed as an engineer is the US, and and credited for inventing the Clarke calculator.

Who is Edith Clarke?


In 2023, The Wall Street Journal evaluated CBU's Career Preparedness and decided on this ranking.

What is first (1)?


Following Mark, this Gospel focuses on Jesus as a teacher, where the primary message is that salvation can be for anyone.

What is the Gospel of Luke?