Matrix Expectations
Cell Phones & Technology
Lunch & Recess
Hallways, Stairways, and Transitions
End of Day Procedures

What does it mean to be "prepared for class with all materials"?

   a) Borrowing supplies from friends every day

   b) Having only a pencil

   c) Bringing all necessary books, notebooks, and supplies

   d) Asking the teacher for materials at the start of each class

The correct answer is C. Bringing all necessary books, notebooks, and supplies. 


When should cell phones be powered off according to the policy?

   a) When entering the classroom

   b) When entering the school campus

   c) During lunch time

   d) Only during tests

 The correct answer is B) When entering the school campus. 


Which of the following is NOT allowed during lunch time?

a) Eating your packed lunch

b) Using your chromebook

c) Talking quietly with friends

d) Cleaning your table when finished

The correct answer is B. Students are not allowed to use their chromebooks during lunch time in the cafeteria or during recess. 


When do you need a hall pass?

a) Only during lunch

b) During class time

c) Before school starts

d) After school ends

The correct answer is B. During class time/instructional and academic minutes. 


Why do you think the school emphasizes "inclusive habits" even after regular school hours?

a) To make after-school activities last longer

b) To ensure all students have equal opportunities to participate

c) Because it's easier than having different rules

d) To prepare students for gym class

B. To ensure all students have equal opportunities to participate


Why might the rule "keep hands, feet, eyes, and body to yourself" be important?

   a) To make the classroom look tidy

   b) To respect others' personal space and safety

   c) To make it easier for the teacher to see everyone

   d) To prevent students from sharing supplies

The correct answer is B. To respect others' personal space and safety.


Which of these devices does NOT need to be powered off when entering school?

   a) Smart watches

   b) Headphones

   c) Cell phones

   d) Laptops

The correct answer is D. Laptops. 


What should you do if you need to get up during lunch or recess?

The correct answer is to ask an adult for permission before leaving anywhere.


Which side of the hallway should you stay on?

All students should stay on the right side of the hallway. 


Why do you think different grade levels are assigned to different areas of the bus?

The correct answer is to maintain order and reduce conflicts between age groups.


When is it NOT allowed to get a hall pass?

The first 10 and the last 10 minutes of class time, ALL students should avoid the hallways. 


How might this policy affect communication between students and parents during school hours?

   a) It won't affect communication at all

   b) Parents will have to call the school office/staff to reach students

   c) Students can use their devices freely during breaks

   d) Teachers will pass messages to students

The correct answer is B. Parents will have to call the school office/staff to reach students over the phone.


Describe or Provide an example of what does "Voice Level 1-2" mean in the cafeteria?

Students should be only heard by the students and peers only at their table. 


What's the rule about eating and drinking in the hallways and transition periods?

There is not eating or drinking allowed in hallways. Scholars should use the designated snack times and lunch times to eat, not during transitions. 


6. What could be a reason for not calling out of the bus window?

Answers could include: 

- To not distract the bus driver. 

- To not distract other drivers or pedestrians. 

- To prevent conflicts amongst others.


What are the three essential pillars that the Glen Hills student handbook follows? (*Hint: three words).

All students should reflect Respect, Responsibility, and Inclusion. 


If you need to use your phone for an emergency, what should you do?

   a) Use it anyway and explain later

   b) Ask a teacher for permission first

   c) Wait until after school

   d) Send a text message instead of calling

The correct answer is B. Students should ask the teacher for permission to use their cellphones. This is particular only in the case of an emergency. 


Provide an example of how you can best demonstrate inclusive behavior during lunch or recess?

-  Invite others to join your table 

- Invite others to play a game of kickball with you. 

- Be friendly to new students.


Describe or provide an example of the appropriate voice level during class time in the hallways?

The correct answer is Voice Level 1-2 (quiet talking) is allowed in the hallways during transitions. 


Why do you think it's important to report issues to the driver and staff?

Safety. To ensure everyone's safety and address problems quickly


According to the student handbook, what does it mean to be inclusive? 

  • School appropriate and inclusive language

  • Invite others to participate

  • Have an open mind when presented with new ideas or those that differ from your own


Describe the step(s) for the 3rd Misuse of Technology Violation (according to the student handbook).

1. An office referral will be sent to administration. 

2. Item is confiscated and turned to parent/gaurdian by the end of the day. 

3. Meeting held. 

4. Scholar must turn in item everyday during school for a 30 day period.


What's the best way to acknowledge staff and visitors in the cafeteria?

The correct answer should mention any of the following: 

- Greet them politely. 

- Respect all items and food in the cafeteria. 

- Be respectful.


Demonstrate what is the appropriate way to move through the hallways. (Select one volunteer to come up front and demonstrate).

Scholar should demonstrate a student walking with a purpose (swiftly).

What could be a potential consequence of not remaining in your seat while the bus is moving?

One consequence of not remaining in your seat while the bus is moving is this could lead to a potential serious injury. All students should be seated.