
Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There is one word you do not need.

cakes   friends   music   guitar   pictures   TV

1   I often meet ________________ after school.

2   Do you like baking ________________?

3   He plays the ________________.

4   I like watching ________________.

5   She loves drawing ________________.


Read the phone conversation. Choose the correct answers (a, b or c). 

A    Hello?

B    Hi, Pete. 1_______ of cycling to the park with Sara. Are you 2_______?

A    I’m sorry, Camilla. I’d like to come, but 3_______ right now.

B    Why not? What 4_______?

A    I’m helping my mum at the moment.

B    Well, can you come later?

A    I can 5_______ it at three o’clock.

B    That’s great. We’ll be in the café at three o’clock. Text me when you leave home.

A    OK. See you later!

1   a I can think   b I think   c I’m thinking

2   a interested   b interesting   c interest

3   a I don’t   b I can’t   c I’m not

4   a are you doing   b can you do   c do you do

5   a say   b like   c make

1   c

2   a

3   b

4   a

5   c


Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives and adverbs in the box. Use each word once. 

comfortable   comfortably   easily   easy   good  
quiet   quietly   slow   slowly   well

1   The other team was terrible, so we won the match ________. The score was 10–0!

2   The weather is very ________ today. It’s sunny and warm.

3   The bus was very ________, because there was a lot of traffic in the street.

4   Dad was sitting ________ on the sofa when I went into the living room.

5   Be ________! Stop talking! The film is starting.

6   Christina is good at geography, so the exam was very ________ for her.

7   Can you speak ________, please? I don’t understand English very well.

8   Danny is a brilliant musician. He plays the piano very ________.

9   We talked ________, because my grandma was sleeping.

10 My bed is really ________. I love sleeping in it!

1   easily

2   good

3   slow

4   comfortably

5   quiet

6   easy

7   slowly

8   well

9   quietly

10 comfortable


Match the words in the box with the definitions. 

century   decade   kilometre   minute   day

1   100 years                            _____

2   60 seconds                         _____

3   10 years                              _____

4   24 hours                              _____

5   1000 metres                        _____

1   century

2   minute

3   decade

4   day

5   kilometre


Choose the correct answers (a, b or c). 

1   If it ____ rain this afternoon, we’ll go to the park.

     a won’t   b doesn’t   c don’t

2   We ____ get lost if we take a map with us.

     a won’t   b don’t   c aren’t

3   If ____ Hannah, I’ll give her this birthday card.

     a I’ll see   b I see   c I saw

4   How ____ you feel if you win the competition?

     a are   b do   c will

5   Come on! We’ll miss the bus if we ____!

     a run   b won’t run   c don’t run

1   b

2   a

3   b

4   b

5   c



Complete the sentences using the present simple form of the verbs in the box. 

study   use   go   work   buy

1   I ______________ things on the Internet.

2   She ______________ shopping on Saturdays.

3   He ______________ his laptop every day.

4   We ______________ Mandarin at school.

5   They ______________ in the city centre.


Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box. 

come   feel   find   give   go   have   help
meet   take   watch

1   I h_____ my brother with his homework.

2   We t_____ some photos at Tina’s party.

3   I w_____ TV yesterday evening.

4   Aaron f_____ his phone under the bed.

5   I w_____ to London in 2014.

6   Last Sunday I h_____ lunch at gran’s house.

7   I stayed at home because I f_____ ill.

8   Vicky c_____ to my house last Saturday.

9   I m_____ my friends in the park yesterday.

10   Dad g_____ me a phone for my birthday.

1   helped

2   took

3   watched

4   found

5   went

6   had

7   felt

8   came

9   met

10 gave


How old was Shakespeare when he got married?

He was eighteen when he got married.


Write sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives. 

1   / is / good / swimmer / her sister

2   What is / intelligent / animal?

3   London / is / big / Madrid

4   Usain Bolt / is / fast / man / in the world

5   Lions / are / dangerous / dogs

1   Charlotte is a better swimmer than her sister.

2   What is the most intelligent animal?

3   London is bigger than Madrid.

4   Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world.

5   Lions are more dangerous than dogs.


Choose the correct answers. 

1   If you want to travel on this train, you do / should / must buy a ticket.

2   Students at that school must wear / to wear / wearing their uniforms every day.

3   Your brother is lazy. He should study / studies / studying more!

4   We shouldn’t / mustn’t / didn’t talk during exams. That’s a school rule.

5          You won’t / mustn’t / should read this book. It’s interesting.

1   must

2   wear

3   study

4   mustn’t

5   should



Complete the free-time activities. 

1   I often g____________ online.

2   We d___________ sport on Mondays at school.

3   Do you g____________ shopping with friends?

4   How often do you l_____________ to music?

5   Do you p____________ football?


Choose the correct answers. 

1   What time do you get up / are you getting up on Saturdays?

2   I often visit / am visiting my grandparents at weekends.

3   I don’t listen / am not listening to the radio right now.

4   We study / are studying history on Monday mornings.

5   She calls / is calling her cousin at the moment.

1   do you get up

2   visit

3   am not listening

4   study

5   is calling


Complete the questions and answers. Use the words in the box. 

bought   did   did   didn’t   give
go   got   went   yes   you

1   A: Did ______ enjoy the film?

     B: No, I ______. It was terrible.

2   A: How ______ you get home last night?

     B: I ______ home by taxi.

3   A: What ______ you buy yesterday?

     B: I ______ a new coat.

4   A: Where did you ______ last week?

     B: We ______ to Istanbul.

5   A: Did your parents ______ you some money?

     B: ______, they did.

1   you, didn’t

2   did, got

3   did, bought

4   go, went

5   give, Yes


Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative forms of can and could and the verbs in the box. 

cook   play   read   speak   swim

1   Sarah is good at reading Mandarin, but she ____________ it very well. (✗)

2   My brother ____________ books when he was two! He was very clever. (✓)

3   I don’t go to the swimming pool because I ________. (✗)

4   My dad is a musician. He ____________ the piano really well. (✓)

5   My mum ____________ when she was young, but she’s a very good cook now. (✗)

1   can’t speak

2   could read

3   can’t swim

4   can play

5   couldn’t cook


Complete the sentences. Use adjectives that match the nouns in the box. 

confidence   energy   fame   kindness   success   talent

     Maggie often sings on TV. She’s successful.

1   My brother cycles about five kilometres every day. He’s ________.

2   Becky isn’t scared of playing in front of a big audience. She’s ________.

3   Arem likes helping other people. He’s ________.

4   Kyle is very good at the piano. He’s ________.

5   Everyone knows Taylor Swift. She’s ________.

1   energetic

2   confident

3   kind

4   talented

5   famous


1 If Mark doesn’t answer his phone, you can leave a credit / voicemail / number.

2   I can’t speak to Tina. She’s calling her mum, so her phone is engaged / wrong / answering.

3   I’m bored with this ringtone. I want to upload / dial / download a new one.

4   You put / hang / take up at the end of a phone call.

5   The phone’s calling / ringing / sending. Can you answer it, please?

1   voicemail

2   engaged

3   download

4   hang

5   ringing


Write affirmative and negative sentences using the past simple. 

     we / not go / to the party / last night

     We didn’t go to the party last night.

1   Ivan / not finish / his homework last night


2   I / take / some nice photos at the exhibition


3   our team / not play / very well last Saturday


4   I / have / dinner / at Alice’s house yesterday


5   after the concert / we / come / home by bus


1 Ivan didn’t / did not finish his homework last night.

2   I took some nice photos at the exhibition.

3   Our team didn’t / did not play very well last Saturday.

4   I had dinner at Alice’s house yesterday.

5   After the concert, we came home by bus.


Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in the box.

watch   not listen   have   walk   not sleep

1   You ______ ________ to the teacher this morning!

2   While my friends ______ ________ to school, they saw an accident.

3   I ______ ________ at eight o’clock this morning.

4   We ______ ________ dinner when Tim rang.

5   I ______ ________ TV when Sonia arrived.

1   weren’t listening

2   were walking

3   wasn’t sleeping

4   were having

5   was watching


When he was a child, Akrit was interested in ______________.



Complete with be going to. 

     (our teacher / arrive)

     Our teacher is going to arrive soon.

1   (Tim / not / come)

     ________________________ to the party.

2   (my parents / buy)

     ________________________ a new car.

3   (we / not / watch)

     ________________________ a film tonight.

4   (you / be)

     ________________________ famous.

5   (I / meet)

            ________________________ my cousin

1   Tim’s not / Tim isn’t / is not going to come …

2   My parents are going to buy …

3   We’re not / We aren’t / are not going to watch …

4   You’re / You are going to be …

5   I’m / I am going to meet …


Complete the sentences using present continuous forms of the verbs in the box.

sit   not have   talk   not watch   swim

1   I _________________ lunch right now.

2   My sister _________________ in the sea today.

3   Beth _________________ near the window.

4   Two students _________________ to the teacher.

5   We _________________ TV at the moment.

1   am / ’m not having

2   is / ’s swimming

3   is / ’s sitting

4   are talking

5   ’re not / aren’t / are not watching


Choose the correct verbs. 

1   My brother is very active. He loves hanging / lying / climbing trees.

2   We missed the bus, so we walked / sat / stood into town.

3   There’s some paint on the floor. Don’t hang / stand / pick in it!

4   The dog is walking / holding / lying on the sofa. It’s sleeping.

5   When I go to the cinema, I like to jump / sit / climb near the front.

1   climbing

2   walked

3   stand

4   lying

5   sit


Choose the correct answers. 

1   Were you doing your homework when I ____ you last night?

     a was phoning                     b phoned

2   We saw Mrs. Mason while we ____ at the bus stop.

     a were waiting                     b waited

3   Martin ____ off his bike while he was cycling in the park.

     a was falling                        b fell

4   I ____ to music when Kristel phoned.

     a was listening                     b listened

1   b

2   a

3   b

4   a


Complete the first conditional sentences and questions. 

     If it rains tomorrow, we won’t play tennis. (it / rain, we / not play)

1   ______________ to John’s party if __________ you? (you / go, he / invite)

2   If ______________, ______________ the exam. (he / not study, he / not pass)

3   If ______________ to my house this evening, _________ dinner for you. (you / come, I / cook)

4   ______________ happy if ______________ the match. (she / not be, she / lose)

5   Where ______________ if ______________ Turkey? (you / stay, you / visit)

1   Will you go, he invites

2   he doesn’t study, he won’t pass

3   you come, I’ll cook

4   She won’t be, she loses

5   will you stay, you visit


What does Nicole want to learn about?

She wants to learn about different types of music.