Unit 6 Coke
Unit 5 Family
Unit 7 ソーシャルディスタンス

In 1972, 18 percent of soft drink users said they drank only Coke, compared with 4 percent who called themselves (e   ) Pepsi drinkers.  By the early 1980s, Coke had dropped to 12 percent, and Pepsi had (r   ) to 11 percent, (d   ) the fact (t   ) Coke was much more widely (a   ) than Pepsi and spending at least $100,000,000 more (   ) advertising per year.

In 1972, 18 percent of soft drink users said they drank only Coke, compared with 4 percent who called themselves (exlusive) Pepsi drinkers.  By the early 1980s, Coke had dropped to 12 percent, and Pepsi had (risen) to 11 percent, (despite) the fact (that) Coke was much more widely (available) than Pepsi and spending at least $100,000,000 more (on) advertising per year.


Last summer we (w   ) a young boy build a sand castle at the beach.  He approached his task with the seriousness of a (c   ) engineer working on a forty-(s   ) building.  He worked so hard gathering sand (t   ) after a half hour he had a large heap of it, which he then with great effort patted (i   ) a low building

Last summer we (watched) a young boy build a sand castle at the beach.  He approached his task with the seriousness of a (construction) engineer working on a forty-(story) building.  He worked so hard gathering sand (that) after a half hour he had a large heap of it, which he then with great effort patted (into) a low building



(   ) (o   ) (   ) animal welfare or the damage to the environment from gigatons of greenhouse gases released by cows

(as) (opposed) (to) animal welfare or the damage to the environment from gigatons of greenhouse gases released by cows


To (s   ) (i   ) animals behaved differently around infected animals in order to protect themselves from getting sick, researchers have been conducting studies over the past couple (d   ).

To (see) (if) animals behaved differently around infected animals in order to protect themselves from getting sick, researchers have been conducting studies over the past couple (decades).


Immediately Coke’s market researchers noticed an improvement.  They tested hundreds of thousands of consumers all across North America, and in head-to-head blind taste tests, New Coke (b   ) Pepsi (b   ) 6 to 8 percentage points.  Coca-Cola (e   ) were elated.  The new drink was (g   ) the (g   ) light.

Immediately Coke’s market researchers noticed an improvement.  They tested hundreds of thousands of consumers all across North America, and in head-to-head blind taste tests, New Coke (beat) Pepsi (by) 6 to 8 percentage points.  Coca-Cola (executives) were elated.  The new drink was (given) the (green) light.


The boy’s father carefully studied the heap.  He walked around it as if (i   ) a work of art.

“Charlie, you’ve made a great castle.  I think it’s the best on the beach.”

The boy’s smile was (   ) bright (   ) the sun (e   ) after a week of rain.

The boy’s father carefully studied the heap.  He walked around it as if (inspecting) a work of art.

“Charlie, you’ve made a great castle.  I think it’s the best on the beach.”

The boy’s smile was (as) bright (as) the sun (emerging) after a week of rain.



Japan is (   ) (   ) severe earthquakes.

Japan is (subject) (to) severe earthquakes.


“When we forced them to stay in close proximity and then observed whether they were infected or not, the probability (t   ) they would get infected increased based on the proximity that they were (t   ) the infected individual,”

“When we forced them to stay in close proximity and then observed whether they were infected or not, the probability (that) they would get infected increased based on the proximity that they were (to) the infected individual,”


However, it was a disaster.  Coke drinkers rose up (   ) (o   ) against New Coke.  There were protests around the country.  Coke was in a crisis, and just a few months later, the company was (f   ) to (b   ) back the original formula as Classic Coke.  The (p   ) success of New Coke never happened.

However, it was a disaster.  Coke drinkers rose up (in) (outrage) against New Coke.  There were protests around the country.  Coke was in a crisis, and just a few months later, the company was (forced) to (bring) back the original formula as Classic Coke.  The (predicted) success of New Coke never happened.


Marty is a management consultant.  He was (h   ) by an Internet company that was just starting its business.  People were too busy and their (t   ) were reaching the (b   ) point.  There were a lot of (d   ) among them.

Marty is a management consultant.  He was (hired) by an Internet company that was just starting its business.  People were too busy and their (tempers) were reaching the (boiling) point.  There were a lot of (disputes) among them.


Owls feed (   ) mice and other small animals.

Owls feed (on) mice and other small animals.


After observing the colonies once the infected ants were introduced, Stroeymeyt found that unexposed ants stayed away from the exposed ants and the (h   ) ants stayed further away from each other as well.  “We believe this is a (p   ) measure to decrease the risk of epidemic transmission through the colony, (   ) unlike the form of proactive social distancing (i   ) in our societies to decrease the risk of transmission of Covid-19,” Stroeymeyt said.

After observing the colonies once the infected ants were introduced, Stroeymeyt found that unexposed ants stayed away from the exposed ants and the (healthy) ants stayed further away from each other as well.  “We believe this is a (proactive) measure to decrease the risk of epidemic transmission through the colony, (not) unlike the form of proactive social distancing (implemented) in our societies to decrease the risk of transmission of Covid-19,” Stroeymeyt said.


But there was an even bigger surprise.  For the last twenty years, Coke has competed with Pepsi, with a product that taste tests say (i   ) inferior, and it is still the number one soft drink in the world.  The story of New Coke, in other words, is a really good example of how (c   ) it is to find (   ) what people really think.

But there was an even bigger surprise.  For the last twenty years, Coke has competed with Pepsi, with a product that taste tests say (is) inferior, and it is still the number one soft drink in the world.  The story of New Coke, in other words, is a really good example of how (complicated) it is to find (out) what people really think.


Toni broke down (i   ) tears.  When she (p   ) herself together, Marty discovered that in addition to the stress of the long hours and the pressure, she hadn’t received one word of approval, (l   ) (a   ) praise, of her work.  Marty (i   ) went to Toni’s boss and told him the situation.

Toni broke down (into) tears.  When she (pulled) herself together, Marty discovered that in addition to the stress of the long hours and the pressure, she hadn’t received one word of approval, (let) (alone) praise, of her work.  Marty (immediately) went to Toni’s boss and told him the situation.


Which of the following scenes in the Sword Village Section made MrHigashi almost cry?





Epidemiologists use studies like these, Kiesecker said, to have a better understanding of how diseases spread amongst other species — including humans.  This allows people to “(a   ) and change their behavior” to decrease the (c   ) of infection, he said.

Epidemiologists use studies like these, Kiesecker said, to have a better understanding of how diseases spread amongst other species — including humans.  This allows people to “(alter) and change their behavior” to decrease the (chance) of infection, he said.