Dress Code and Safety
Language Do’s and Don’ts
Learning Cycles and Syllabus Styles
Classroom Scenarios

What time should assistants arrive before class starts?

15 minutes before class starts.


What is appropriate attire for assistants to wear during class?

TDC apparel (or black top), Appropriate shoes, Leggings or shorts with tights, hair pulled back neatly off of face.


What’s better to say: “Good job” or “I see you worked hard on that move”? Why?

“I see you worked hard on that move” because it provides specific and encouraging feedback.


Why are basics taught repeatedly in dance?

To build a strong foundation, ensure technical excellence, and support student progression.


How would you handle a student who doesn’t want to leave their parent?

Gently encourage the student by making them feel comfortable, perhaps by engaging them in a fun activity or letting them observe until they feel ready to join.


Name two responsibilities an assistant has during class.

  • Providing individual support to students who need extra help.

    • Assist students who are struggling with a particular step or technique by offering one-on-one guidance.
  • Distributing and collecting props.

    • Help with handing out props during activities and ensuring they are collected and stored properly after use.
  • Encouraging and motivating students.

    • Offer words of encouragement to students to boost their confidence and keep them engaged.
  • Assisting with transitions between activities.

    • Help the instructor smoothly transition the class from one activity to another, ensuring that students remain focused and organized.
  • Ensuring safety by monitoring the class for potential hazards.

    • Keep an eye out for any safety issues, such as objects on the floor, and address them promptly to prevent accidents.

What is NOT appropriate attire for assistants to wear in class?

Crop tops/Sports bras


Give an example of encouraging language.

I see you lifting you knees high in your marches!


What is a learning cycle in dance?

A structured approach where concepts are introduced, practiced, and reinforced over time to help students master them.


What should you do if a student is crying during class?

Comfort the student, offer them some time to settle, and if necessary, allow them to sit out until they feel better.


What should an assistant do after class ends?

Assist with the final goodbye and help organize students as they leave.


Why is it important to follow the dress code?

To ensure safety, professionalism, and uniformity in the class.


How should you give feedback to a student who is struggling?

Use positive reinforcement or CAN YOU CUEING - can you lift your knee to your nose when you march?


How does repeating basic movements benefit students?

It helps them develop muscle memory, improves technique, and builds confidence.


How would you encourage a student who is struggling with a new dance move?

Provide positive reinforcement, break down the move into smaller, manageable steps, and offer to practice with them.


Assist with the final goodbye and help organize students as they leave.

Assist in setting up and distributing props during activities, ensuring they are used safely and stored properly after class.


How can an assistant help ensure students are using proper technique?

*Bonus - what do we call the multiple different learning styles?

By offering corrections, demonstrating proper technique, and guiding students through the movements safely.



Why is it important to use specific praise instead of general praise?

Specific praise helps students understand exactly what they did well, which reinforces the behavior and encourages further improvement.


Explain how syllabus styles are aligned with student progress.

Syllabus styles are designed to match the developmental stages of students, gradually increasing in complexity as students master foundational skills.


How can you help manage the classroom during across-the-floor activities?

Assist in organizing students into lines, ensure they wait their turn, and provide guidance as they move across the floor.


Explain how an assistant can help with classroom management.

By maintaining order, assisting with group organization, and addressing minor behavior issues promptly.


What are the consequences of not following the dress code?

Students may receive warnings, and continued non-compliance could lead to exclusion from class activities until the issue is resolved.


How can language impact a student’s confidence?

Positive and specific language builds a student’s confidence by making them feel recognized and valued, while negative or vague language can discourage them.


How can assistants support learning cycles in the classroom?

How can assistants support learning cycles in the classroom?


What’s the best way for an assistant to support dress code adherence in the classroom?

Assistants can lead by example by following the dress code themselves and gently reminding students of the dress code during class when appropriate, such as suggesting they adjust their attire for safety or comfort. If a more significant issue arises, they should inform the instructor privately