How do IT systems help managers build strategic alliances and network structures?

By facilitating communication and coordination between different companies


What are the two types of E-commerce?

B2B & B2C


How does real-time information improve managerial decision-making?

Real-time information provides updates on current business conditions, allowing for faster and more accurate decisions


What technology allows employees to work remotely using the Internet?

Cloud computing


The tasks of a manager are often different from the expectations about it. Hill (2007) talks about what it means to become a boss and discusses a variety of myths and realities of management. Following Hill, which statement describes such a myth?

• A new manager will find herself entangled in a web of relations and interdependencies.
• A new manager needs to harness the power of a team and as such focus more on team building and performance.
• A new manager is supposed to make changes that will make the team perform better.
• A new managers' power flows mainly from the formal authority that comes with the new position in the hierarchy.


Chapter 1 of the textbook introduced the basics of management and the four principal managerial tasks. Margene is the product manager at Fashions Ltd., a company that designs and manufactures clothes and fashion accessories. Noticing the rising popularity of rhinestone jewelry and the fact that only a handful of stores actually stocked it, she decides to take advantage of the latent demand in the market. Margene knows that she is taking a risk by committing organizational resources to pursuing this idea, but she is confident about the merit of her decision. In deciding the allocation of resources for attaining her goals, which managerial task is Margene performing?

• Controlling
• Planning
• Organising
• Leading

B: Planning


Chapter 1 of the textbook introduces the basics of management of organisations and the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness. Pacific Tourism is an agency that offers special holiday packages in the Pacific region. Every year, as an incentive, the most efficient and effective manager in the network gets an all-expenses-paid trip to one of Oceania's islands. Which manager is most likely to meet these requirements?

• Kato, who chooses the right goals to pursue and makes clever use of resources to achieve them
• Leonard, who chooses appropriate goals, but is slow in decision making
• Don, who chooses the right goals to pursue and displays an overly rigid approach to planning
• Paul, who chooses the wrong goals to pursue and doesn't allocate his recources effectively

A: Kato


Chapter 1 of the textbook introduced the basics of management of organizations and the four principal managerial tasks. Zander Laurie is the CEO of SurveyMonkey. Survey Monkey aims to maximize customer satisfaction. Zander Laurie asked for feedback from its enterprise customers about what product feature they would like to see on the SurveyMonkey platform. Based on the responses, Zander Laurie decided that text analyses needed to result in a new analyses feature on the platform to ensure customers remain satisfied. In seeking feedback, which managerial task did Zander Laurie perform?

• Planning.
• Controlling.
• Structuring.
• Organizing.

B: Controlling


Name two types of performance-enhancing management information systems

Decision support systems and enterprise resource planning systems


Which type of system is used to handle routine transactions like payroll and billing?

Transaction-processing systems


How does the Butterfly software help managers improve their leadership skills?

It gathers feedback from employees to suggest areas for improvement and provide recommendations for action


What is the primary function of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system?

To link and coordinate functional activities and operations from product design to customer delivery


Drawing from both Chapter 18 and Pfeffer & Sutton (2006), how should managers approach AI when implementing evidence-based management in a dynamic business environment?

  • A) Managers should fully trust AI systems to make decisions without considering external evidence.
  • B) AI should be integrated as a tool for data analysis, but final decisions must be based on evidence from both AI and human insights to account for organizational complexity.
  • C) AI systems should focus solely on financial metrics, ignoring other qualitative data from the business environment.
  • D) Managers should avoid using AI for strategic decisions in evidence-based management frameworks.

Answer: B


In Contemporary Management, which of the following best explains how AI systems support vertical information flows in an organization?

  • A) AI systems only enhance horizontal communication between departments
  • B) AI allows for decentralized decision-making but disrupts vertical information flow
  • C) AI supports vertical flows by ensuring real-time data is accessible across all levels of the hierarchy
  • D) AI eliminates the need for communication in a vertical structure

Answer: C


Which of the following challenges may arise when integrating AI into existing ERP systems for managing enterprise operations?

  • A) AI can always predict market changes without errors
  • B) Integrating AI may require restructuring existing workflows and employee roles
  • C) AI systems reduce the need for advanced cybersecurity protocols
  • D) AI guarantees instant return on investment for the organization

Answer: B


How do evidence-based management (EBM) principles help companies optimize AI use in decision-making, as discussed in Contemporary Management and Pfeffer & Sutton (2006)?

  • A) EBM advocates for the blind use of AI systems to speed up decision-making processes.
  • B) EBM emphasizes that AI should replace human intuition entirely in management decisions.
  • C) EBM suggests that AI-driven decisions should be constantly tested against real-world evidence to ensure validity.
  • D) EBM disregards AI's role in decision-making, focusing solely on human-driven data interpretation.

Answer: C