Systems Theory
Ecological Perspective
Strength based Approach
Psychodynamic Theory
Cognitive Behavioral Theory

This theory views individuals as part of larger systems, such as families, communities, and societies.

What is Systems Theory?


This term refers to the interaction between individuals and their environments.

What is Ecosystem?


This approach focuses on identifying and utilizing an individual's or community's inherent strengths and resources.

What is the Strengths-Based Approach?


This theory emphasizes the influence of unconscious processes and early life experiences on behavior.

What is Psychodynamic Theory?


This theory focuses on the interplay between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and aims to change maladaptive thinking patterns.

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Theory?


This concept within Systems Theory refers to the interactions and interdependencies between system components.

What is Interdependence?


This concept in the Ecological Perspective refers to the various layers of influence on an individual, from immediate settings to broader societal factors.

What is the Ecological Systems Model?


This term refers to the process of building on existing capacities and resilience within individuals or communities.

What is Capacity Building?


This term describes the dynamic forces that influence personality development and functioning.

What is Internal Conflicts?


This technique involves identifying and challenging irrational or distorted thinking patterns.

What is Cognitive Restructuring?


Systems Theory posits that systems are always seeking this state of balance.

What is Homeostasis?


In the Ecological Perspective, this term is used for the ongoing interactions and exchanges between an individual and their environment.

What is Transactions?


In the Strengths-Based Approach, this is the focus on what people can do, rather than what they can't.

What is Empowerment?


According to Psychodynamic Theory, this is the process through which repressed memories or feelings are brought to consciousness.

What is Insight?


In Cognitive-Behavioral Theory, this term refers to the learning process through which behaviors are reinforced or discouraged.

What is Operant Conditioning?


This term describes the ability of a system to adapt to changes and maintain stability.

What is Equifinality?


This is the term for the process of assessing and intervening in multiple layers of an individual's environment to facilitate change.

What is Person-in-Environment


This term is used for the collaborative and respectful partnership between social workers and clients. 

What is Partnership?


This concept refers to the defense mechanisms individuals use to protect themselves from anxiety or conflict.

What are Defense Mechanisms?


This term describes the process of gradually exposing individuals to feared situations to reduce anxiety.

What is Exposure Therapy?


In Systems Theory, this principle states that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

What is Holism?


This concept involves understanding how changes in one part of the system can affect other parts.

What is Dynamic Equilibrium?


The Strengths-Based Approach emphasizes this concept, which is the ability of individuals to overcome difficulties through their strengths.

What is Resilience?


This term represents the therapeutic technique aimed at uncovering hidden thoughts and feelings through free association and dream analysis.

What is Psychoanalysis?


Cognitive-behavioral theory often uses this technique to help individuals develop skills for managing and changing their thought patterns.

What is Skill Building?