Handi Medical Supply
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Who is the Compliance Manager for Handi Medical Supply?

Taylor House


The speed of a computer mouse is measured in what units?

a. Inches
b. Centimeters
c. Mickeys
d. Paws

C, Mickeys. It’s the unit of measurement for how many pixels and millimeters a mouse moves.


What animal is known to have the most powerful bite in the world?

a. Nile Crocodile
b. Hippopotamus
c. Hyena
d. Grizzly Bear

A, the Nile Crocodile. The Nile Crocodile’s bite is 30 times stronger than that of a human.


What two cities are found in the phonetic alphabet?

a. Delta and India
b. Lima and Quebec
c. Juliet and Zulu
d. Whiskey and Tango

B, Lima and Quebec.


What is the driest place on earth?

a. Gobi Desert, China
b. Luxor, Egypt
c. Dry Valleys, Antarctica
d. Ica, Peru

C, Dry Valleys in Antarctica. This dry area in Antarctica is thought to be the closest area on earth to the planet Mars.


What resource is used to identify how often an insurance payer allows reorders?

Insurance Verification guide, Re Orders and 90 Day tab


How many colors are in the rainbow?

a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9

Answer – B, 7. The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.


 How can you tell the age of a horse?

a. The length of its tail
b. The quality of its hooves
c. The clarity in its eyes
d. The lines on its teeth

D, the Lines on its Teeth. This is where the saying “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” comes from


What US state grows the most coffee beans?

a. Florida
b. California
c. New Mexico
d. Hawaii

D, Hawaii. The largest coffee farm in the United States is Hawaii’s Kauai Coffee Estate.


What is the only sea region that has no land boundaries?

a. Philippine Sea
b. Sargasso Sea
c. Weddell Sea
d. Red Sea

B, Sargasso Sea. Formed by being bound between four different currents, the Sargasso Sea has been called a floating rainforest due to the abundance of seaweed found in its calm waters.


What is the difference between reorders being allowed every calendar month vs every 30 days?

Calendar Month- Reorders are allowed every calendar month regardless of the last reorder date from the previous month.

Every 30 days- Reorders are allowed every 30 days. If they place an order on January 1st, they're allowed a reorder on January 31st.


What alcoholic drink is made with juniper berries?

a. Gin
b. Vodka
c. Rum
d. Whiskey

A, Gin. While juniper berries are the primary flavor, gin is made with several botanical ingredients, including herbs, florals, and fruit.


What’s the fastest land snake in the world?

a. Sidewinder
b. Black Mamba
c. King Cobra
d. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

A, Sidewinder. The Black Mamba is often listed as the fastest snake, moving at 12mph. But the sidewinder is actually the fastest, moving at 18mph.


What is the oldest city in the world?

a. Jerusalem
b. Tel Aviv
c. Damascus
d. Athens

C, Damascus. Located in Syria, Damascus is thought to have been inhabited as early as 8,000 BC


Nephelococcygia is the practice of doing what?

a. Skimming your hand over the top of water
b. Polishing coins
c. Seeking and finding shapes in clouds
d. Sifting through and categorizing dirt types

C, Seeking and Finding Shapes in Clouds.


T or F; A customer received a reorder on 7/2/2024. They have BCBS prepaid plan which has a reorder status of 21 days allowed; Must add "10 day shipping window". They call Handi Medical Supply on 7/22/2024 for their August order. We cannot ship out their supplies yet as they're not eligible.

False. They are allowed the 10 day shipping window. 10 prior to 8/1/24 would be 7/22/2024.


What country is said to have the best quality tap water?

a. Netherlands
b. France
c. Sweden
d. Switzerland

D, Switzerland


 What sea creatures have been used in wars?

a. Jellyfish
b. Sharks
c. Dolphins
d. Otters

C, Dolphins. Dolphins were trained to recover lost equipment, intercept port intruders, and detect sea mines.


Which of the seven natural wonders of the world is found in Africa?

a. Victoria Falls
b. The Serengeti
c. Mount Kilimanjaro
d. Red Sea Reef

A, Victoria Falls. The falls along the Zambezi River are also called Thundering Smoke and Boiling Water.


How many floors does the Eiffel Tower have?

a. 6
b. 5
c. 4
d. 3

D, 3. While there are only 3 floors, the second and third floors do have 2 levels.


A customer has 3 insurances;

MN Medicaid

Waiver Services

Medicare FFS - Working age 

HealthPartners Commercial - Employee Plan

In what order AND percentage should this be set for proper billing?

1. HealthPartners - 100%

2. MCB - 0%

3. MMA- 0%

4. Waiver Services- 100%


Who is the most translated author of all time?

a. William Shakespeare
b. Hans Christian Anderson
c. Enid Blyton
d. Agatha Christie

D, Agatha Christie. The Queen of Crime has 7,233 translations to her name.


Where was the world’s first speeding ticket issued?

a. France
b. England
c. The United States
d. Canada

B, England. The driver was rumored to be going 8mph.


Iceland diverted roads to avoid disturbing communities of what mythical beings?

a. Trolls
b. Fairies
c. Hobbits
d. Elves

D, Elves. More than half of Iceland’s population believes elves exist.