Impact Category Name

What is academic honesty?

Academic honesty is the commitment to maintain integrity and honesty in one's academic work, avoiding any form of cheating or deception.


What can happen if you cheat?

If you cheat, you may receive a failing grade on the assignment or course, and face disciplinary action from the school.


Give an example of academic dishonesty.

 Submitting someone else's paper as your own.


How can you avoid plagiarism?

you can avoid plagiarism by properly citing sources, paraphrasing information in your own words, and using plagiarism detection tools.


How does academic dishonesty affect learning?

Academic dishonesty affects learning by depriving students of the opportunity to genuinely engage with the material and develop critical thinking skills.


What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property without giving proper credit, presenting it as your own.


How can plagiarism affect your grade?

Plagiarism can lead to loss of credit for the work, failing the course, or other academic penalties.


What does it mean to copy someone else's work?

Copying someone else's work means directly taking their text or ideas without permission or attribution.


What is the importance of paraphrasing?

The importance of paraphrasing lies in demonstrating understanding and allowing you to incorporate information while maintaining your voice and avoiding plagiarism.


What is the impact on a student's reputation?

The impact on a student's reputation can be severe, leading to loss of respect from peers and educators, and harming future academic and career prospects.


What is citation?

 Citation is the practice of referencing the sources of information or ideas used in your work, following a specific format (like APA, MLA, etc.).


What are the long-term effects of academic dishonesty?

Long-term effects of academic dishonesty may include a damaged reputation, diminished trust from peers and teachers, and potential difficulties in future academic or career opportunities.


What is self-plagiarism?

Self-plagiarism occurs when an author reuses significant, identical, or nearly identical portions of their own previous work without acknowledgment.


How can teachers promote academic honesty?

Teachers can promote academic honesty by clearly communicating policies, providing resources on citation, and fostering a culture of integrity.


How does it affect future opportunities?

 It can affect future opportunities by limiting access to scholarships, college admissions, and job offers, as many institutions value integrity.


What is a bibliography?

A bibliography is a list of sources that were referenced or consulted in the preparation of a work, usually placed at the end of a paper.


What is an academic probation?

Academic probation is a status given to students whose academic performance falls below a certain threshold, often as a consequence of dishonesty.


Provide an example of proper citation.

An example of proper citation is: (Smith, 2020) for APA format or (Smith 45) for MLA format.


What tools can help ensure academic integrity?

Tools like plagiarism checkers (e.g., Turnitin, Grammarly) can help ensure academic integrity by detecting potential plagiarism in work.


How does it influence the school's environment?

Academic dishonesty influences the school's environment by creating a culture of mistrust and undermining the value of genuine achievement.


What is cheating?

Cheating is the act of deceiving or misleading in an academic setting, such as copying others' work, using unauthorized materials, or falsifying information.


What is expulsion?

Expulsion is the permanent removal of a student from a school due to serious violations of academic integrity policies.


What are common types of cheating?

Common types of cheating include using unauthorized notes during an exam, copying from another student, or purchasing essays online.


Why is it important to understand academic honesty?

 Understanding academic honesty is important because it cultivates trust, respect, and fairness in the academic community, and it prepares you for ethical behavior in the future.


Why should we value academic honesty?

We should value academic honesty because it fosters a fair learning environment, encourages personal growth, and upholds the principles of education.