Universal Themes
Figurative Language

What is Universal theme?

The message, lesson, or moral of a story that can apply to anyone or any story.


Define allegory.

a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.


The following sentence from Act II is an example of what rhetorical device?

"I have not moved from there to there without I think to please you, and still an everlasting funeral marches round your heart."

Metaphor comparing how she feels about him to being negative. 


What is the difference between perspective and point of view?

Point of view is 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person. Perspective is the character's or speaker's thoughts on what is happening. Their interpretation. 


Which of the following is a theme that is present in The Crucible?

a.) Everything will always work out in the end.

b.) No matter what, be true to yourself.

c.) Fear can cause people to make bad decisions.

d.) Following a crowd and not thinking for yourself can put people in danger.

c.) Fear can cause people to make bad decisions 


d.) Following a crowd and not thinking for yourself can put people in danger


Define juxstaposition.

the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.


How does the allusion in the following lines enhance the characterization of John Proctor and of the people of Salem.

In reference to Hale and Herrick arresting Elizabeth and condemning her for witchcraft,

"Proctor: Pontius Pilate! God will not let you wash your hands of this!" 

(Pontius Pilate was the one who ordered the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, so the comparison is that he [Hale] is condemning Elizabeth)

a.) It shows that he is not as religious as the rest of Salem since he made an incorrect biblical reference. 

b.) It shows that John proctor and the people of Salem are religious since he made a biblical reference, knowing that the others would understand it. 

c.) It shows that the people of Salem are hypocritical since they admire Pontius Pilate and John is using his name in a negative way.

b.) It shows that John proctor and the people of Salem are religious since he made a biblical reference, knowing that the others would understand it.


What is The Crucible an allegory for?



Match the excerpt from The Crucible with the following theme:

Fear can cause people to make bad decisions to save themselves.

a.) "Proctor: You will tell the court how that poppet come here and who stuck the needle in.

Mary Warren: She'll kill me for sayin' that! ... I cannot, they'll turn on me-"

b.) "Martha Corey's voice: I am innocent to a witch. I know not what a witch is."

c.) "Giles: Aye, and we'll win too, Putnam--this fool and I. Come on!

Putnam: I'll have my men on you, Corey! I'll clap a writ on you!"

d.) "Proctor: I'll tell you what's walking Salem-- vengeance is walking Salem."

 a.) "Proctor: You will tell the court how that poppet come here and who stuck the needle in.

Mary Warren: She'll kill me for sayin' that! ... I cannot, they'll turn on me-"


Define Alliteration. 

The repetition of initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables.

Sally sells seashells by the seashore.


How does the use of personification in the following lines enhance the meaning of the scene?

"Proctor: I'll tell you what's walking Salem-- vengeance is walking Salem."

a.) It makes the people of Salem seem friendly and open, which symbolizes the character traits of the townspeople throughout the play

b.) It illustrates the jealous and hungry nature of Salem and how they make John Proctor feel punished.

c.) It provides the location of where they are, and therefore the setting of Salem and its people.

d.) It demonstrates the speaker's ability to see the kindness and forgiving nature of the people of Salem, directly encouraging John Proctor to forgive. 

b.) It illustrates the jealous and hungry nature of Salem and how they make John Proctor feel punished.


How does the allegory of the "witch hunt" in The Crucible affect the tone of the play?

a.) It creates a happy tone.

b.) It creates an accusatory tone.

c.) It creates a sad tone. 

d.) It creates a critical tone.

b.) It creates an accusatory tone.


d.) It creates a critical tone.


Which of the following quotes from The Crucible does NOT help develop the theme of: Trying to preserve one's reputation can end up harming others.

a.) "Abigail: She hates me uncle, she must, for I would not be her slave. It's a bitter woman, a lying, cold, sniveling woman, and I will not work for such a woman."

b.) "Mary Warren: She'll kill me for sayin' that! ... I cannot, they'll turn on me-"

c.) "Putnam: I'll have my men on you, Corey! I'll clap a writ on you!"

d.) "Abigail: I want to open myself! I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book."

c.) "Putnam: I'll have my men on you, Corey! I'll clap a writ on you!"


What does the word facade mean, as it is used in the following lines:

The windowless façade of the skyscraper loomed over the city skyline.

a.) exterior

b.) costume

c.) pretense

d.) superficial

a.) exterior


How does the use of figurative language throughout the poem, "Christmas, 1970" develop the contemporary issue of making sacrifices to better one's future. 

a.) In lines 7-10, the metaphor describes the speaker's mother and her happiness at getting to spend this Christmas with her family.

b.) In lines 32-34, the personification of the map illustrates that they cannot go back to their home country right now, but they might be able to later.

c.) In lines 7-10, the metaphor describes the speaker's mother and her unhappiness at having to be spend this holiday away from her home in order to be safer.

d.) In lines 32-34, the personification of the map illustrates that they chose to leave Cuba on their own and never want to return. 

c.) In lines 7-10, the metaphor describes the speaker's mother and her unhappiness at having to be spend this holiday away from her home in order to be safer.


Select two lines from the poem that show the juxtaposition between the emotion that the different family members are feeling to the festivities of the season.

a.) "an emblem of exile measuring our days,"


"Mother finds herself

opening, closing the Red Cross box ...

like an unwanted door prize"

b.) "marked by the moment of our departure,

our lives no longer arranged."


"We assemble the silver tree, its luminous branches, numbered to fit into its body."

c.) "a Polaroid Mother cannot remember was ever taken:

I am sitting under Tia Tere’s Christmas tree,"


"wear red and white snowflake sweaters and identical smiles"

b.) "marked by the moment of our departure,

our lives no longer arranged."


"We assemble the silver tree, its luminous branches, numbered to fit into its body."