BFT 101

Where did BFT start?

What is Australia?


Coach #1 is in charge of...

a. talk time only

b. talk time and warm up

c. talk time, warm up, in-session instructions, music volume, cool down and announcements

d. talk time, warm up, announcements 

What is C (talk time, warm up, in-session instructions, music volume, cool down and announcements)


When we have a prospect in class, what type of person should you partner them up with? 

A member who is social, positive about BFT and working out, and you feel they would connect and relate well together. 


How early should you arrive before class? (hint: 2 answers: one for the first class of the day and one for non-first class of day)

What is 30 minutes before the first class and 15 minutes before non first class 

What are the 3 components that make BFT different? 

What is...

- Progressive Programming

- 2 Coaches per Class

- Technology with HR monitors and Evolt


What is coach #2's job?

a. warm up, cool down 

b. assign partners, cool down

c. assign partners, a lot of 1 on 1 instruction throughout class, form assistance, etc

d. assign partners, a lot of 1 on 1 instruction throughout class, form assistance, cool down and announcements 

What is C (assign partners, a lot of 1 on 1 instruction throughout class, form assistance, etc)


You don't want a prospect to walk out of our studio without ____.

What is their next class scheduled (or if they buy a membership then yay!)


What should you be doing before class starts?

What is connecting and engaging with members


Which factors go into the max heart rate of a person on the monitor? 

What is age, weight, height and gender? 


Which sections do you fill out when doing a loaner HR monitor? 

What is Nickname, birth year, and gender 


When coaching a prospect, should you correct their form or encourage them to improve anything? Why or why not? 

What is YES because they need to experience a workout they would not be able to at home or elsewhere.


When should you read the workout for the day you are coaching? 

What is the day before you coach that class using Flow Notes 


Why did HYROX decide to partner with BFT?

What is because BFT's programming is perfect for how a HYROX athlete should train. 


What's 2 differences between Cardio Summit and Cardio U? 

What is anaerobic energy system vs aerobic, what is cardio U orange target is 94%+ 


What should you have ready before a prospect comes in? 

What is a heart rate monitor, and or ready to take interest in the prospect and their goals 


If you don't know the answer to someone's question, how do you respond? 

What is "let me find out for you!" or anything where you're telling them you'll get them the answer. not idk!!!


Where was the first BFT in the US? (city)

What is Santa Monica?


What are 2 things members should nail down first before increasing weight? 

What is tempo and form? 

also hitting rep goal works 


What should you talk about with a prospect before class?

What is their goals, what the session will look like today, injuries/limitations, and past workout history 


Explain the difference between aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. 

What is - Anaerobic - uses glycogen as energy, does not use oxygen, 10-30 seconds of intense efforts 

Aerobic - steady state longer duration of effort, uses oxygen as energy - more fats than carbs