Job Applications
Interview Skills
Workplace Etiquette
Resume Building
Time Management

What is the first piece of information you write on a job application?

What is your name?


What should you do when you first meet your interviewer?

What is shake hands and introduce yourself?


What does it mean to "clock in" at work?

What is it to record the time you start working?


What is a resume?

What is a document that lists your work experience, skills, and education?


What does it mean to "be on time" for work?

What is arriving at or before your scheduled start time?


What is the purpose of a job application?

What is to apply for a job and/or provide information about your skills and experience?


What should you wear to a job interview?

What is professional or business-appropriate clothing?


Why is it important to say "please" and "thank you" at work?

What is to be polite and respectful to coworkers and customers?


Why is it important to include your contact information on a resume?

What is so employers can reach you for an interview?


Why is it important to use a schedule or a calendar when you have multiple tasks?

What is to keep track of tasks and deadlines so you do not forget anything


What should you write if a question doesn't apply to you on an application?

What is N/A or Not Applicable?


What does it mean to "make eye contact" during an interview?

What is looking at the person who is speaking to show you are listening?


What should you do if you don't understand a task your boss gave you?

What is it to ask for help or clarification?


What is the purpose of a "skills" section on a resume?

What is to show what you are good at and what you can bring to the job?


What should you do if you finish a task early at work?

What is ask your supervisor if there is anything else you can help with?


Why is it important to check your spelling and grammar before submitting a job application?

What is it to make a good first impression and show you are professional? 


Why is it important to arrive on time for an interview?

What is to show you are responsible and respect the interviewer's time?


Why is it important to follow safety rules at work?

What is it to prevent accidents and keep yourself and others safe?


Name one thing you should not include on a resume.

What is personal information like your age, social security number or family details?

How can making a "to do list" help you stay organized?

What is by giving you a plan for what you need to accomplish each day?

Name two things you should include in the "work experience" section of a job application.

What are your previous job title and duties? (other answers as applicable)


How should you respond if asked about your weaknesses in an interview?

What is it to mention a weakness and explain how you are working to improve it?


What should you do if you need to take time off from work?

What is it to notify your boss in advance and explain why?


Why is it important to update your resume regularly?

What is to keep it current with new skills and experiences?


Why is managing your time well important in the workplace?

What is it to complete tasks efficiently and show you are dependable?